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Centrally Planned Economy

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Q: An economy in which only the government makes economic decisions is a?
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Related questions

Who makes decisions for a mixed economy?

Government officials and legislatures make economic decisions

Who owns the factors of productiom and makes economic decisions in a market economy?

Individuals own the factors of production and make economic decisions in a market economy. This is in contrast to a command economy, where the government makes those decisions.

Who makes economic decisions for a mixed economy?

Government legeslatives and your mom

How are economic decisions made in a command economy?

In a command economy, the government makes the economic decisions. This means that they control industry (including manufacturing and agriculture), as opposed to being controlled by the markets and the people. The government decides what goods to produce and how to distribute them.

What is An economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions?

it's called a command economy

What makes the most economic decisions in a command economy?

government policies

Government makes some economic decisions individuals and companies make other decisions?

Mixed economy.

Who makes economic decisions in a mixed economy and why?

The government makes all the decisions because the government does all the spending and taxation to provide jobs and services and he also influences on the economic growth

In a traditional economy what are the economic decisions based largely on?

In a traditional economy the economic decisions are largely based on custom. In all centrally planned economies the government makes all important economic decisions.Ê

Who makes economic in a mixed economy and why?

The government makes all the decisions because the government does all the spending and taxation to provide jobs and services and he also influences on the economic growth

What kind of economic system does a communist government have?

Communist governments use what is known as a command economy. In a command economy, the government owns everything, employs everyone, and makes all economic decisions.

Who makes economic decisions in a command economy?

the president...