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The United States had attempted to balance the number of slave states with the number of states that opposed slavery. By allowing Texas to become a part of the United States, the balance would have shifted.

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Q: Describe how the annexation of Texas only added to the debate regarding slavery?
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The main constitutional arguements during the debate over slavery were representation in Congress, importation of slaves, and the Bill of Rights.

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Some possible results of the growing sectional debate over slavery include humanitarian results. For example, when people treat others fairly, all will be educated and respected and slavery will stop growing.

The two participants in the great debate over slavery prior to the election of 1858?

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas were the two participants in the great debate over slavery prior to the election of 1858.

What positions did Lincoln and Douglas take in their debates?

Both had a strong position in the Anti Slavery debate. They both were against slavery and agreed that there should be no more slave states.