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that is not a question, a good way to make it a question would be to add to the beginning of the question segment. this is how it would turn out: was George Washington on the 1789 coin? or, was there a coin made in 1789 with George Washington on it?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

This is not actually a coin, but a medal. You could be sitting on $400 (give or take) if it's authentic (not a reproduction), and in good condition - and if you can locate the right interested buyer.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A number of experimental coins were struck during Washington's presidency but he refused to allow his picture to be used on official coinage because he felt it was too much like the British practice of putting the King's or Queen's portrait on coins.

More experimental coins were made during the late 19th and early 20th centuries but the first regular circulating coin to bear his portrait was the familiar quarter. It was introduced in 1932 as a circulating commemorative in honor of Washington's 200th birth anniversary. The design was discontinued during 1933 for several reasons, and the Mint intended to resume the Standing Liberty design in 1934. However the new Washington quarters were so popular that the design was permanently adopted instead.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It's just a dollar,has no gold in it and is still in circulation today. The date and mint mark is on the edge of the coin the years 1789-1797 refer to his presidential term in office. Only collectors coins sold by the mint have retail values above face value. And that's $1.25-$2.00 depending on grade.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

If your coin is about the size of a quarter, golden in color, and has the Statue of Liberty on the other side it's not a commemorative coin. It's part of the current Presidential Dollar series of $1 coins made for circulation. If so, it has no extra value unless it's in uncirculated condition.

If it looks like a coin but has Washington's picture on both sides it's actually a promotional token given out by gas stations some years ago, and has no real special value.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It's from 2007, not 1789, and is only worth $1. 1789 is the year Washington took office.

As I'm sure you've heard, in 2007 the Mint started making brass $1 coins featuring portraits of all US presidents in their order of service. The Washington coin was of course the first, and it was minted in large numbers. You might still be able to get some from a larger bank, although the series is now up to Johnson, Grant, and Hayes.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It was made in 2007 (the date is on the edge) Value is a dollar and it's not gold. The color is from the brass it's made from.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

2000.00 dollars

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Q: 1789 George Washington coin
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1789-1797 are the years Washington was President. The coin was minted in 2007 and is worth one dollar.

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One dollar.

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Most likely it is real. However to be sure just take it to your local coin collector.

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$1. It's an ordinary circulation coin. Also, it's not gold, just brass. More Information: There was no George Washington dollar minted in 1789. The only coin honoring Washington that could have possibly been minted in that year was an undated one cent coin with a head on both sides. This was probably the only legal 2 headed coin to circulate in the US.

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It is a very expensive coin and should be around a little more than $500

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How much is a 1789-1797 dollar coin worth?

Those are the years George Washington was President, so what you have is a 2007 presidential dollar coin. It's worth one dollar.

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It's a novelty coin with no collectible value. Just like the 2 headed Kennedy half dollars

Value of 1789 quarter with bust of George Washington on both sides?

It is a funeral token not a coin, if in good condition circulated no more then $5 to $10.00

How much is a George Washington gold one dollar coin year 1789-1797?

It's the first in the presidential dollar coin series, and it's worth one dollar. The coin is made of brass, not gold.

What is the value of a 1789 us gold dollar?

It's not gold and not minted in 1789. If your coin has a picture of George Washington on the front and the Statue of Liberty on the back, it's a modern brass $1 coin and is part of the new Presidential series. 1789 is the last year Washington served as President. The minting date is 2007 and is incused on the coin's edge. Hundreds of millions were minted so they're just worth $1.