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Robert Strange McNamara was the Defense Secretary of the United States from 196 until 1968. he served under both John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Robert mcnamara become president of the world bank the same year Nixon was elected to presidency. I don't think he served under president Johnson

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Correct, Robert McNamara served under Kennedy and during the first term of Johnsons' presidency.

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Q: Defense secretary during the Kennedy and Johnson administration?
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Who was the defense secretary for Kennedy and Johnson?

Robert S. McNamara served as Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968, serving both Kennedy and Johnson.

Who was Secretary of defense during Vietnam war?

Robert McNamara, (Kennedy and Johnson Administrations). Clark Clifford, (Johnson Administration). Melvin Laird, (Nixon Administration).

Who was the security of defense under president Kennedy?

JFK's Secretary of Defense was Robert McNamara.

Who appointed Robert McNamara to be Defense Secretary?

President Kennedy.

Why did Kennedy administration step up the defense program?

The Kennedy administration stepped up the defense program because of the escalating war in Vietnam. The Cuban Missile Crisis was another reason the defense program was beefed up.

Who were the major figures during the beginning of the Vietnam War?

Presidents Kennedy, Johnson; Secretary of Defense McNamara, Senator Bobby Kennedy; GEN's Westmoreland & Abrams, and Curtis LeMay; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Maxwell Taylor.

How many children does Robert McNamara have?

Robert McNamara was the eighth Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson. He and his wife Margaret had three children. Their children's names are Robert, Margaret, and Kathleen.

Who was secretary of defence under president Johnson?

The first US Secretary of Defense was James Vincent Forrestal. He served the office from September 17, 1947 until March 28, 1949.

How many members were in John F. Kennedy's cabinet?

In John F. Kennedy's cabinet were: Vice President Lyndon Johnson; Secretary of State Dean Rusk; Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillion; Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara; Attorney General Robert Kennedy; Postmaster General J. Edward Day and later John A. Gronouski; Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall; Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman; Secretary of Commerce Luther Hodges; Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg and later W. Willard Wirtz; and finally Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Anthony Celebrezze.

What did Lyndon B. Johnson do under the Roosevelt's administration?

Lyndon B. Johnson did not serve under Roosevelt's administration. Johnson served as Vice President under President John F. Kennedy from 1961 until Kennedy's assassination in 1963 and then became the 36th President of the United States.

Why was the administration of US President Johnson opposed to negotiating with the Vietcong?

The Lyndon Johnson administration was not willing to negotiate or even recognize the Vietcong. When Senator Robert F. Kennedy proposed some type of compromise on this, it was quickly downplayed by Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. Mr. Humphrey claimed that doing that was like putting th fox to guard the chicken coup. And, Secretary of Defense McNamara affirmed Humphrey's opinion that such an approach would amount to nothing. This was in 1966.

Did the Vietnam War start during the Lyndon Johnson administration?

No. US troops were in Vietnam from at least Eisenhower's administration, through Kennedy's, Johnson's, and Nixon's, and ended during Ford's administration 30 April 1975.