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Thomas Jefferson was the Vice President in 1800. He would become President the next year on March 4.

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Q: Thomas Jefferson's vice president in 1800?
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Who was president and vice president in 1796?

The year 1800 was an election year. The outgoing President was John Adams and Vice President was Thomas Jefferson. The incoming President elected that year was Thomas Jefferson and the Vice President was Aaron Burr. The 1800 Presidential Election was contraversial because there was a tie in electoral votes and the election was decided by the House of Representatives.

First defeated vice presidential nominee to be elected president?

John Adams was the only one who suffered this indignity, In those days, the presidential candidate who finished second was made the vice president. Thomas Jefferson finished behind Adams in 1796 and became vice president, but in 1800 he beat Adams and you might think Adams would be the his vice president, but they changed the law in time for the 1800 election.

What sitting Vice-President has run against a sitting President?

This happened in 1800 when VP Thomas Jefferson ran against President John Adams. In those days the presidential candidate with the second most votes became vice president so Jefferson was the VP because he lost to Adams in 1792. Since then the Constitution has been amended so that the president and vice-president are from the same party. so it is not likely to happen again.

When did Aaron Burr serve as vice president?

Thomas Jefferson was President from 1801 to 1809, and Aaron Burr was the Vice President during Jefferson's first term, from 1801 to 1805.

Who was elected president in 1796 and who become vice president?

John Adams was elected president in 1796 and Thomas Jefferson was the new vice president.

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aaron burr was thomas jeffersons vice president and was also dissapointed about being the vice president

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Aaron Burr ran for US president but ended up as vice president for which president?

For his first term Aaron Burr was vice president to Thomas Jefferson, but for jeffersons second term George Clinton was vice president

What president who was once vice president is picture on US currency?

Thomas Jefferson was vice president during the Adams presidency (1796-1800) and president during 1800 to 1808. He is on the nickel and the 2 dollar bill.

Who ran for president when Thomas Jefferson did in 1801?

Aaron Burr ran for president against Thomas Jefferson in 1800. He became Thomas Jefferson's first vice president. He also murdered Alexander Hamilton.

Who was thomas jeffersons vise-president?

The 3rd President of the United States was Thomas Jefferson from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809. His Vice Presidents were Aaron Burr (1801-1805) and George Clinton (1805-1809)

Who was president and vice president in 1796?

The year 1800 was an election year. The outgoing President was John Adams and Vice President was Thomas Jefferson. The incoming President elected that year was Thomas Jefferson and the Vice President was Aaron Burr. The 1800 Presidential Election was contraversial because there was a tie in electoral votes and the election was decided by the House of Representatives.

Was there a vice president who was voted president by congress?

No, this has never happened but it could if the president went insane. Yes, Vice President Thomas Jefferson was elected President by the U.S. House of Representatives after the presidential election of 1800 ended in a tie for 1st place.

What are the best facts about Thomas Jefferson?

He wrote the Declaration of Independence, bought washington, oregon, idaho, and louisiana, was vice president from 1796-1800, president from 1800-1808 and had a pet mockingbird named Dick.

What did you do in 1800 if a president died?

The vice-president becomes the president if the president dies. This was true in 1800 and always since the Constitution was ratified. What has changed is a process for replacing the vice-president if something happens to him.

Before Thomas Jefferson was President what did he do?

Thomas Jefferson was John Adams Vice President, before he was President.

What President and Vice President caused the 12th Amendment to be written?

This amendment was prompted by the election of 1800 and the problems occurring in the election of President Thomas Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr.