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The President symbolizes and represents the United States to the outside world.

He is responsible for relations of the United States dealing with foreign nations. He entertains foreign dignitaries and is the official representative of the American people . He negotiates treaties and accords with other countries. He appoints the Secretary of State and the state department is under his command as well as the military.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

As chief executive, the President is in charge of all government agencies except those directly tied to Congress and the federal court system. He chooses the 15 people who manage the major departments and is responsible for their efficient and honest operation. He is required to carry out all the laws and administer all the programs set up by Congress. He is also expected to design new programs to solve the problems facing the country, such as job creation and energy shortages.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Veto laws they don't like, and need t 2/3 majority to kill the veto. so veto's are hard to beat. They can't declare war, but can send troops in a foreign place for 60 days before congress can intervene. Head of the armed forces. Can't make laws, but can suggest them. Use the executive order, which have full force of law. They appoint supreme court justices when they die or retire. They can make regulations which ruin businesses about 80% of the time. Hadley since 2009 there has been 500 new ones. They sign laws which need to be done to make it ratified. He still has the right to use any nuclear weapons, if Obama felt like nuking North Korea, he could. He appoints head officials of the EPA< department of energy ( which is a waste of time and money), and the attorney general and secretary of state, the diplomat corps, and 1,800 aides and advisers.

Most people think the president is powerless, to the contrary, he is the most powerful man in America and at this time the world. well until china rises is military and its economy 4 trillion dollars O.o

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are three branches of government in the U.S. - Legislative (makes laws, from the Latin "legis" for law), Judicial (the highest court in the land) and Executive. Same is true at the State level - Legislative, Judicial and Executive, though they may be called by different names.

The Executive branch signs or vetoes laws, appoints judges at the Federal level (they may be elected at the State level), grants pardons, appoints board and commission members and oversees the armed forces (true at both State and Federal levels of government). Additionally, and largely via the appointed cabinet members, this branch of government oversees the common operations of government - social services, financial/economic, prisons, health care services, and the like.

The Executive branch of the U.S. government includes the President, Vice President and Cabinet (and at the State level, usually the Governor, Lt. Governor and the Governor's cabinet)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The President's job as Chief Executive, as the title implies, is to faithfully execute the laws that Congress has passed.

The President of the United States has powers given to him or her by the US Constitution.

The President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, however he is unable to declare war (that is up to Congress)

The President is also given the authority to grant reprieves and pardons (except in cases of impeachment, so that the president cannot pardon him or herself from impeachment)

The President, with 2/3 approval vote from the Senate, can make treaties with other nations, as well as appoint certain government positions (such as Cabinet Secretaries, higher-level bureaucrats, etc.)

The President has some "unofficial" jobs too, such as being the face of the United States. Some argue that the President is also a "Chief Diplomat" that helps establish relations with other nations.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

chief executive officer of the federal government.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He is over the executive branch of government.

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