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There were two: Hermes a herald of Zeus. Iris, a messenger of Hera.

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Danielle Smitham

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2y ago
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12y ago

There were two: Hermes a herald of Zeus. Iris, a messenger of Hera.

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15y ago

Hermes is.

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Q: Who is the Greek god of messengers?
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Who are Poseidon and Hermes?

Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea. Hermes is the Greek god of messengers.

Is Hermes a god goddess or hero?

Hermes was the Greek god of messengers and thieves.

What is a Greek God starting with I?

Iris, the goddess of rainbows and messengers.

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Hermes, who is also the God of messengers, theives, buisness and travleres

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He was the Greek god of thief's, travellers and messengers. Basically anyone who used the road.

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Hermes was the Greek god of messengers. He was also the god of shepards, travelers, merchants, and thieves.

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the greek god Hermes was travellers, messengers anyone who used the road really..he was also the god of thieves.He was also the messenger of the gods

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Technicly u are to call him God and the branch is angel in greek means God messenger.

Who is the Greek god of mischief?

The Greek god of mischief would probably be Hermes, the messenger god who is also the god of travelers, liars, thieves, and orators. When he was only a baby, he stole cattle from Apollo.Hermes, who is also the God of messengers, theives, buisness and travleres

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In Roman mythology, the god "Mercury" is equivalent to Hermes in Greek mythology. He is the god of messengers and travelers. So he is the messenger of the gods.

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Hermes, who was the god of Messengers.

Which god symbol has a winged sandals and winged helmet?

Hermes in Greek Mythology, Mercury in Roman Mythology.