CAREER AND CONTRIBUTIONS. In 105 A.D., Cai Lun presented the emperor his ways of making the paper. ... Cai Lun started to initiate the idea of creating a writing medium which is lighter and more practical. He made sheets of paper from inner bark of bamboo, mulberry trees, rags of cloth, and fishing nets.
When Cai was an official, he often went into towns and villages to see how things were going. One day in 92 AD, he visited a silk-making shop and saw that there was a thin white layer of slightly fluffy stuff left on the bamboo mat, which could be used for writing.
He was inspired and began to experiment with various materials such as barks, hemp, cloth, nets, etc., and using various ways, such as boil, soak, pound, etc. to make fiber paper. No doubt, he succeeded.
He documented the process and showed it to the emperor He Di along with a finished product in 105 AD. The emperor was greatly pleased, and the paper was called "Cai Hou Paper" in honor of Cai's contribution. Fine paper officially entered into history.
In ancient times writings and inscriptions were generally made on tablets of bamboo or on pieces of silk called chih. But silk being costly and bamboo heavy, they were not convenient to use. Tshai Lun [Cai Lun, Tsai Lun] then initiated the idea of making paper from the bark of trees, remnants of hemp, rags of cloth, and fishing nets. He submitted the process to the emperor in the first year of Yuan-Hsing [+105] and received praise for his ability. From this time on, paper has been in use everywhere and is sometimes referred to as 'the paper of Marquis Tshai'.
Chinese ancient culture is broad and profound. In the history class of middle school, everyone has learned the four great inventions of ancient China. One of them is Cai Lun's papermaking. It is precisely because he improved the paper that the cost of paper is not only cheap, but also of good quality. This invention is the source of modern paper.
Eastern Han , invented by a eunuch called cai lun
no, papere was invented by Cai Lun, a eunuch from Eastern Han dynasty
According to Chinese tradition, Cai Lun (or Ts'ai Lun), a eunuch in the court of Emperor Ho Ti, made the first paper around 105 AD.
105 AD by a Chinese man named Cai Lun.
As with many other innovations, paper was invented in China. Around 100 AD, a man named Cai Lun developed the method for which paper is still basically made.
His name is Cai Lun
Cai Lun invented paper by putting lots of stuff and compressing it together. Read more: Why_did_Cai_Lun_invent_paper
Eastern Han , invented by a eunuch called cai lun
Paper was invented by Cai Lun in 105 AD
He invented it in some place in Asia called Guiyang
The inventor of paper.
Egyptians did not invent paper it was the Chinese in 105 AD by a Chinese man named Cai Lun.
no, papere was invented by Cai Lun, a eunuch from Eastern Han dynasty
Butcher paper is thick and is a sturdy papers used to wrap fish and meats. This paper was invented by a Chinese man named Cai Lun.
The invention of paper is credited to the Chinese eunuch Cai Lun around the year 105 AD during the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. He is recognized for creating a method to produce paper using materials like mulberry bark, hemp, and rags. This invention revolutionized communication and writing practices around the world.
According to Chinese tradition, Cai Lun (or Ts'ai Lun), a eunuch in the court of Emperor Ho Ti, made the first paper around 105 AD.
The Chinese civilization during the Qin Dynasty. Invented in 105 AD by a Chinese man named Cai Lun.