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War causes economic recessions. By staying neutral we hoped to stay out of debt.

That is mostly true but the answer depends on the time period. During WW1 the US tried to stay neutral to stay progressive. During other wars the answer really varies. But the first answer really sums it up, saving money and staying out of debt is a main priority. Wars cost billions of dollars, in the case of WW1 many of countries went into depression and for us it is known as the great depression.

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12y ago

In the infancy of the United States, George Washington urged that we remain neutral because we were a developing country and needed time to develop and become strong. The United States was in no position to get involved in a war.

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12y ago

The us benefited staying neutral during WWI Economic wise. Staying neutral means not picking sides, which ultimatly means we can sell war goods and supplies to both countries fighting in the war. This would make the U.S more money, at the time this was enough for us to stay neutral.

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8y ago

There were no real benefits from staying neutral, other than young men were not going to go off and die in a war. This is the main reason the US did not join the war until provoked. Most US citizens were against the war during its first years; they felt it was a foreign war that the US should not be involved in.

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11y ago

America was too weak to start another war

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Q: Why did Washington believe that it was important for the United states to remain neutral in foreign conflicts?
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What was Hamilton's foreign Alliance?

his foreign alliance was with both France and Britain. He traded with both countries equally, though both Frace and Britain canstantly got into conflicts.

Why is it important for the US to have a foreign policy?

It is important for a state to have foreign policy because it is the tradition in IR that all states should have foreign policy. Also, it is important for a state to have foreign policy because to help direct state's development through economic, social and political interest of the state.

How did foreign officers help General Washington At Valley Forge?

Foreign officers helped General Washington during the Revolutionary War, by training them to use weapons properly, and how to fight the formal battles favored by the British. Within a month, the troops were executing drills with speed and precision. Because of this, the American Army emerged from Valley Forge as a more efficient and stronger fighting machine.

What was americas foreign policy centered on after World War 2?

United States foreign policy after World War II focused primarily on preventing the spread of Stalinism and Soviet communism throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Truman's anticommunist attitudes led to increasing actions aimed at alienating Stalin and the Soviet Union after V-J Day. This was illustrated by a number of economic and military conflicts between East and West Germany directly after the war (look up the Berlin Airlift), and later in conflicts such as the Korean War. Central to early Cold War policy was the concept of "containment," a number of foreign-policy strategic initiatives that sought to contain communism within the parts of the world in which it was already present.

What was the policy of nonintervention?

the policy of the US in which we decided to stay isolated and mind our own business and not intervene in foreign problems. It was basically an isolation policy, made popular by George Washington's example. In other words,minding own business not minding other foreign problems to basically protect one's identity ect.

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Why did Washington believe it was important for the United States to remain neutral in foreign conflicts?

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Why did Washington believe that it was important for the united to remain neutral in foreign conflicts?


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True- that is what he was saying.

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