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they picked them out of there land and gave them sicknesses!

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The Native Americans started destroying the colonists' livestock and farms. They even killed some colonists. They felt as though the colonists were invading their land.

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they changed there lives because they had allot different sicknesses that they brought to there home town.

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because a people stuggling between the world of their past and an unwelcoming world of future.

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Q: How did the arrival of European settlers in North America affect the lives and the cultures of the indigenous peoples there?
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Before European settlers arrived the of North America were wild grasses?

The Great Plains.

In the latin American colonial system who were the Mestizos?

MESTIZOS are people of mixed European and Indigenous descent in Latin America.

What was the European impact positive or negative on Spanish America?

Spanish America is by definition a region totally changed by Europeans. The Spanish and their language are European. The Spanish language and culture was imposed, usually with great brutality, on the inhabitants of what became Spanish America, after the Spanish had destroyed the original languages, religions and cultures, and imposed themselves as masters over the native Indian inhabitants, who were enslaved or made serfs by the Spanish after the Spanish Conquest. This has affected Latin American society for five centuries, down to the present. The creation of Spanish America from the indigenous civilizations (Inca, Aztec, etc) may be the greatest cultural genocide in modern history. Its success can be seen by the way many descendants of Indios regard Spanish as their original native language. It is not. It is the language of the European conqueror and colonizer.

What is the name and location of the oldest European settlement in North America?

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic is the oldest European city in North America. It was founded by Columbus' brother in 1508. It served as the centre for Spanish tyrrany, conquest and extermination of the indigenous people for a century and as the first terminus of the slave ships thereafter. It is a beautiful city whose history is steeped in blood.

Who was the first indigenous national to become president in Latin America?

Benito Juarez, president of Mexico.

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What two cultures blended to form the mestizo?

The mestizo population in Latin America emerged as a result of the blending of European colonizers (mostly Spanish) and indigenous peoples. This blending occurred during the colonial period when European settlers came into contact with the native populations of the Americas. The term mestizo specifically refers to individuals with mixed European and indigenous ancestry.

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Where did the early settlers of haiti come from?

The native/indigenous people of Haiti when Columbus arrived were the Taíno. The Taíno people are believed to be relatives of the Arawak people of South America. The first European settlers of Haiti were Spaniards.

What are 3 indigenous cultures of Latin America?

Mayan, Astec and Spanish?

What group is is not indigenous to America?

European and Asian immigrants.

What did the European settlers of the 1700s consider the most valuable resource in America?

The European settlers of the 1700s think was the most valuable resource in America is coins.

Your common law came to America from which group of European settlers?

English settlers

What was the primary motive of most europeans explorers and settlers in America?

the primary motive of most european settlers in america

Why were native Americans more likely to die from diseases the European settlers brought to America than the settlers themselves?

Native Americans were more likely to die from the diseases that European settlers brought to America because they had less immunity to these diseases than the settlers did.

What did European explorers call the first settlers in America?


Where did European settlers live?

They settled along the east coats of America, such as Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia, Pennsylvania

In Latin America people of mixed indigenous and European descents are called?
