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During the period of the Roman Republic the legions had 4,200 infantry and 300 cavalry. During the early period of rule by emperors the legions had 5,120 infantry and four turmae (cavalry squadrons) of 30 horses, giving a total of 120 cavalry (132 including the officers). In the Later Empire the size of the legions was decreased and had about 1,000 infantry.

During the early period of rule by emperors, the Roman legion had 10 cohorts. Nine cohorts (cohorts 2 to 10) had six standard centuries with 80 men, giving a total of 480 men per cohort and an overall total of 4,320. The first cohort of elite soldiers had five double size centuries (160 men), giving a total of 800 men. This makes a grand total of 59 centuries and 5,120 infantrymen. This is a loose number, as a Roman legion was rarely at full strength. The smallest unit was the contubernium, a platoon of eight men who shared a tent.

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8y ago
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13y ago

The number of legions depends on the period.

Some legions where destroyed in battle, example: Legio XVII, Legio XVIII and Legio XIX where destroyed in the Teutoburg forest and the Aquila* standards were lost - they were never rebuild.

Some where disbanded in disgrace, example: Legio I Germanica disbanded for cowardice in the Batavi revolt.

Legions were raised for war and the Roman Emperors created new legions as part of their rule as well.

We know that Augustus disbanded more than half of the 50+ legions in existence when he became emperor, the 28 remaining legions became the core of the army in the early empire (ca 30 BC - 284 AD), we also know that 46 different named legions existed in the course of the early empire.

But the total of legions at any given time is hard to tell.


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12y ago

Chain of command for a legion: (Note: A legion was usually comprised of 10 Cohorts, each cohort was made of about 6 centuries, each century had 80 men plus the centurion)

Chain of Command:

Legatus: Commander of the Legion, in charge of about 5,280 men.

Primus Pilus: Supreme Centurion of a Legion, Senior Centurion of the First Cohort, in charge of about 960 men.

Senior Centurion: Commander of a Cohort, in charge of about 480 men.

Primi Ordine: A Centurion in Command of a Century in the First Cohort, in charge of about 80 men.

Junior Centurion: Commander of a Century, in charge of about 80 men.

File Leader: Basically the leader of a file in a Century, not necessarily a Commander, but just a soldier who did have slight authority of about 10 men in a file.

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12y ago

That really depended upon the general. Roman generals recruited their own armies so there would be as many legions as; first, the general could afford and second, as many as he could convince to join his army.

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15y ago

Depending on the time, there were 4500 to 6000 men in a fully manned legion, including auxiliaries

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12y ago

There were about 5,000 soldiers in a legion.

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13y ago

Ten. M R Nair.

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approximately 6000

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Q: How many cohorts were there in a roman legion?
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What is the breakdown of a roman legion?

A Roman legion had 10 cohorts. Cohorts 2 to 10 had 6 centuries of 80 men. The 1st cohort of elite soldiers had 5 double sized centuries. This makes a total of 59 centuries and 5,120 infantrymen. However, the number of men was relative as the size of legion varied and the centuries could have less than the mentioned number of men or, in exceptional emergencies, more. A legion also had a cavalry unit of 120 men

How do you become a legion?

Become a legion? A legion was a section of a Roman army. A legion is about 6 thousand soldiers.

What is the eagle standard in a roman army?

The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.The eagle was the sacred symbol of the Roman legions. Each legion had one. It was the symbol of the legion's soul and a special shrine was put up for it at a legion's home base and also in the legion's marching camps.

What was the emblem of the 5th Alaudae Roman legion?

The emblem of the 5th Alaudae Roman legion were a group of elephants. Historians believe the legion was formed to help Julius Caesar.

What were two units of Roman soldiers that were smaller than the legion called?

A legions was had 10 cohorts. Cohort 2 to 10 had six centuries each. the 1st cohort had 5 double sizes centuries.Thesmallestunit was the conternubium, a platoon of 8 men who shared a tent.

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How many roman cohorts were in a legion?

Ten. M R Nair.

How many cohorts in a roman legion?

Ten. M R Nair.

How many legoins is 36 cohorts?

36 cohorts were less than a legion. A legion had 59 cohorts.

What was the largest division of the roman army called?

A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.

How many centuries in a Roman Army?

The Roman legion had 10 cohorts. Nine cohorts (cohorts 2 to 10) had six legions. The first cohort of elite soldiers had five double size legions. This makes a total of 59 centuries. It also gave a total of 5,120 infantrymen as a legion had 80 men and the five double legions had 160 men. These are loose numbers, as a Roman legion was rarely at full strength.

What was the legion in the roman empire?

The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.The legion was a complete Roman fighting unit. It was the largest sub-unit in a Roman army. It consisted of 4000 to 6000 men and was divided into cohorts, centuries, cavalry and auxiliaries.

How many soldiers are in Roman first cohort?

There were 800 soldiers in the first cohort of a Roman legion. The remaining nine cohorts had 480 men each.

What is a legion in the roman army?

A legion was the basic unit of a Roman army. It consisted of roughly 5,000 infantry, if at full strength. It was divided into cohorts which were further divided into centuries. In addition to the infantry there were also cavalry and auxiliaries attached to each legion.

Who was roman legion?

The Roman legions were the equivalent of the regiments or the divisions of the modern army. An army corp had a number of centuries. A legion had 10 cohorts and 59 centuries.This gave a total of 5,120 infantrymen. However, the size of the legions varied and often they had less than that number.

How many soldiers were there in the rowman legion?

The Roman legion typically consisted of around 5,000 to 6,000 soldiers during the late Republican and early Imperial period. However, the number could vary depending on the time period and specific circumstances.

What does the roman legion serve as?

The legions were the army corps of the Roman army. A legion had 10 cohorts. Cohorts 2 to ten had 6 centuries. The first cohort was larger and had 5 double size centuries. This makes a total of 59 centuries. It also gives a total of 5,120 infantrymen as the 54 standard cohorts had 80 men each (which gives a total of 4,230 men) and the five double cohorts had 160 men each (giving a total of 800 men). These are loose numbers, as a Roman legion was rarely at full strength.The smallest unit was the contubernium, which was a bit like a platoon and had 8 soldiers who shared a tent.A legion also had a turma, a cavalry squadron of 120 horsemen.

What is the breakdown of a roman legion?

A Roman legion had 10 cohorts. Cohorts 2 to 10 had 6 centuries of 80 men. The 1st cohort of elite soldiers had 5 double sized centuries. This makes a total of 59 centuries and 5,120 infantrymen. However, the number of men was relative as the size of legion varied and the centuries could have less than the mentioned number of men or, in exceptional emergencies, more. A legion also had a cavalry unit of 120 men