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Q: Who decides which laws are necessary and proper in the United states system of government?
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Who decides the laws that are necessary and proper in the US system of government?

not u

The implied powers of the national government are inferred from the?

The Necessary and Proper Clause of the United States Constitution is where the implied powers of the national government are inferred from. It states that Congress has the authority to make all necessary and proper laws to carry out its powers, and has served as a basis for many national programs and policies.

What part of the government makes necessary and proper laws?

Congress, "Necessary and proper" is straight for the Constitution.

Who decides which laws are necessary and proper in the U.S system of government?

The US Congress debates and passes the laws, subject to approval by the President and the judgments of the Supreme Court.

A government that divides powers between the national government and the states?

It is a necessary and proper clause

Why is the Necessary and proper clause in the constitution?

expand the power of the federal government.

What is the elastic cause?

The Elastic Clause or Necessary and Proper Clauseis the section of Article One of the United States Constitution that states[The Congress shall have Power] - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

What is the importance of the amendments?

The Constitution of the United States was made a long time ago, and since the time it was written, there have been many changes to our society. Although the necessary and proper clause gives the government has applied powers and the right to take actions that are necessary "stretching" the words of the Constitution, there are some necessities that list today which aren't even referred to in the Constitution. Thus, amendments make the government able, with the proper process, to make necessary changes to the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States was made a long time ago, and since the time it was written, there have been many changes to our society. Although the necessary and proper clause gives the government has applied powers and the right to take actions that are necessary "stretching" the words of the Constitution, there are some necessities that list today which aren't even referred to in the Constitution. Thus, amendments make the government able, with the proper process, to make necessary changes to the Constitution.

What clause gives Congress the power to make any laws needed to carry out all the other power of the government?

Necessary and Proper

What is the elastic cause of the Constitution?

The Elastic Clause or Necessary and Proper Clauseis the section of Article One of the United States Constitution that states[The Congress shall have Power] - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

The necessary and proper clause of the Constitution has been used to?

expand the power of the federal government.

How can congress pass any law needed for the government function?

The necessary and proper clause