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The power to engage in war.

The power to levy income tax.

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Veronica Wilkinson

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3y ago
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7y ago

The New Federalism is a plan implemented under the Nixon administration that transferred some powers previously held by the federal government back to the state level.

Examples of the New Federalism were that the federal government provide block grants to the states to resolve a social issues, and revenue sharing to foster local autonomy by minimizing federal restrictions on the grants.

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10y ago

One large example of Federalism in the United States is the Federal Government's ability to set tariffs on imported products. The States within the Union cannot interfere with this in any way. Another significant example (perhaps to evident to mention ) is the power of the Federal Government alone to engage military forces in foreign wars or military movements internally and worldwide.

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10y ago

some examples are checks and blances and sepration of powers

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Q: What are examples of the New Federalism?
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What are four types of federalism?

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Federalism was created in New York in the 1780's

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The goal of New Federalism was to block grants as a way of reducing federal control.

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Under new federalism, the system of power is shifted from the federal to the state government.

What metaphor best symbolizes federalism?

The cake examples. There is a layered cake (Which represents dual federalism) and the marble cake (Which represents cooperative federalism).

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Cooperative federalism or new federalism is the sort of federalism that saw the federal government give power back to the states.