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Under the Articles of Confederation, the American government was not even granted the power to tax as a way to raise revenue, very much unlike the American government under the US Constitution. The only way they could raise funds was by asking for money from the states, from foreign powers, or by selling off lands in the west.

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The Confederation Congress raised money by asking the states for money and by borrowing money. The Articles of Confederation did not include any ways that Congress could generate funds.

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Q: How did the central government under the Articles of Confederation raise money?
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Under the articles of confederation how would the national government collect money?

A portion of state taxes would go to the Central Government.

What power was not provided in Articles of Confederation?

The most significant power not given to the Federal government under the Articles of Confederation was the ability to tax. The central government therefore had to way to raise money for defense or important internal projects.

The federal government could not collect money from the states What was this an example of?

the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Why did the authors os the aticles of confederation create a weak central government?

The Articles of Confederation included a weak central government. It was designed to govern thousands of people in thirteen colonies. The Mayflower Compact was a much simpiler document. It was designed to govern dozens of people in one colony.

Who had more power to the states or central government under the articles of confederation?

Congress because Congress could declare war, appoint military officers, and coin money.

Did the articles of confederations give too much power to the central government?

Just the opposite. The Articles of Confederation gave an inordinate amount of power to the states, even to the extent that they could each print their own money.

What weakness of the articles of confederation led to money problems for the new nation?

the articles of confederation did not give the government the power to tax.

What were 5 problems with the Articles of Confederation?

Weak central government, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade, no power to coin money and back it up with previous standard, and no money to raise an army or navy.

A serious problem caused by the articles of confederation was that?

the government had problems raising money to pay for its activities

The main problem with our nation's first constitution was?

The nation's first Constitution was the Articles of Confederation, which lead to a weak central government. The government did not have the power to tax, coin money, and lacked a standing army, among other weaknesses.

Is true about the currency by the articles of confederation government?

Each state produced their own money under the articles and that was a major problem. There was no national currency.

In the Constitution resolve the weaknesses in the articles of Confederation?

Yes. In establishing a republic with a strong central government, the US Constitution resolved many of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The powers of the new federal government included taxation, printing money, establishing treaties, providing a standing military, and the regulation of interstate commerce. The three branches of the government encompassed the full range of law in the US.