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Q: What form of government does the king represent?
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What is a form of government headed by a king queen or an emperor?

A monarchy is a form of government headed by a king, queen, or an emperor.

The US has a form of government that allows its citizen to elect officials to represent them this form of government is known as?

This form of government is known as a republic.

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They didn't want a king, but to have a government where people decide who is to represent them.

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What form of government has a King or Queen?

a monarchy

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this was because the king wanted people to govern the colonies.

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A democracy is a form of government with a king or queen as ruler?

A monarchy is a form of government ruled by a king or queen. A democracy is a form of government in which the citizens participate equally in proposal, development and creation of laws. A democracy with a monarch (king or queen) as head of state is called a "Constitutional Monarchy"