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Q: Who The passage of the declaration of independence best refers to which government that would be later part of the you.s constitution?
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Did all convention delegates sign the declaration independence?

Yes, all 44 and it wasn't a "convention " for the Declaration of Independence. The only convention was for the constitution in 1787. The Declaration was written by Jefferson because he was asked to write it and was in Congress. He was only 33 years old, but all ready had made a name for himself on the ability to be able to state what was needed. Congress voted on passage of the Declaration in October a few months after the publication of it in July 1776.

What effect did the passage of the Jones act have on the Philippines?

It granted full independence and self government to the Philippines.

What colonial government practices became a part in your nations government?

One practice that was used by colonial governments that became part of the government system was that a written constitution guarantees basic liberties and limits the power of the government. Another would be the separation of power between the legislature and the governor.

Why did Thomas Jefferson want to include the passage about condemning slavery in the Declaration of Independence if he was a slaveholder?

Thomas Jefferson was a radical thinker. Indeed, he had slaves, but he knew that since the colonists wanted independence, the slaves would too. He did not think of the slaves as animals, but as people. Yes, he had many of them, but that was the expectation of a wealthier person in that time.

Does the constitution divide the power between the states and the central government?

Yes, the Constitution of the United States grants certain powers to the federal government. Then, it goes on to state that any rights or powers not specifically given to the federal government belong to the states. Since passage of the 14th Amendment in 1865, the federal government has assumed more and more power that originally was meant to be vested in the states.

Related questions

What enlightenment idea is found in the passage from Declaration of Independence?

It is right in the first paragraph that man has the right to change his government when it no longer works for him.

In this passage from the Declaration of Independence the primary complaint of the colonists is centered around Parliament's passage of the?

quartering act

What actions revealed that the 1st Continental Congress was preparing for war?

The declaration of independence.....that's all I can think of

Did all convention delegates sign the declaration independence?

Yes, all 44 and it wasn't a "convention " for the Declaration of Independence. The only convention was for the constitution in 1787. The Declaration was written by Jefferson because he was asked to write it and was in Congress. He was only 33 years old, but all ready had made a name for himself on the ability to be able to state what was needed. Congress voted on passage of the Declaration in October a few months after the publication of it in July 1776.

What ideas about the government did Jefferson draw on in writing the declaration of independence?

The words Jefferson wrote show that his thinking was greatly influenced by john Locke. In fact, a passage in the second paragraph of the Declaration clearly was inspired by Locke's ideas about natural rights in Two Treatises of Government.

How does thomas jeffreson use pahos in the delcreation of independece with a quotes from the passage?

He doesn't use pathos. Pathos is when feelings are elicited or appeals to the audience. The Declaration of Independence was a statement about the source of government for people who had only known a king.

Which action by Britain did the colonists believe violated the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed?

passage of the stamp act.

Which passage from the Declaration of Independence most clearly reflects the enlightenment principle of addressing a broken social contract?

That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it.-Apex

What do the authors clearly warn people not to do in this passage of the Declaration of IndependenceWhich of these is the best summary of the passage?

form a new government simply based on small or unimportant reasons.

What effect did the passage of the Jones act have on the Philippines?

It granted full independence and self government to the Philippines.

Which passage from the declaration of independence reflects the enlightenment of natural lights?

The first page or 3 paragraphs are totally enlightenment thinking of John Locke.

What groups where unrepresented in the Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Declaration was not to represent any group, but it was a list of wrongs of the King against the colonies.ANSWER:Whereas the Declaration of Independence states, "All men are created equal." You will not find anything about American Women, the American Indians, or the Slaves.Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence, had placed a passage, that freedom should also be granted to the Black Slaves in America. During the debate on the document, the Southern Delegation was not going to vote for it, unless that passage about freedom of the slaves was removed.They also reminded Jefferson, that he also owned slaves. All of the Representatives of the 13 Colonies had to vote for the Declaration of Independence unanimously, or it would not be adopted.Jefferson had no choice, but to remove the passage. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress, passed and adopted the Declaration of Independence.