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Self-Government, Separation of Powers, Limited Government, and Individual Rights. Short and to the point :D

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Q: What principles expressed in state constitutions later influenced the writing of the US Constitution?
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Which idea expressed in the us constitution was influenced by the declaration of independence?

john locke

How is the expression all me are created equal expressed in the Constitution?

Men are created equal and this is expressed in the Constitution. The Constitution says this outright and is often quoted.

Constitution states that these powers are federal governments?

The Constitution states that expressed powers are the federal governments.

What are the expressed powers the Constitution?


What are expressed powers?

Expressed powers are powers written down for Congress in the Constitution.

Explain how this principle is expressed in the structure of the Constitution or the organization of the US government?

There are several principles that are inherent in the structure of the US Constitution and in the organization of the US Government. The most important of all is the principle that all people are created equal and that liberty is the fundamental right of all people.

Is establishing a national court system an expressed power?

Yes, this is an expressed power of the constitution.

Definition of expressed power?

Expressed power refers to the powers specifically granted to a branch of government or an official through written or codified laws, such as the Constitution. These powers are explicitly stated and defined, and typically include the authority to make laws, enforce laws, and interpret laws within a specified scope.

Are all powers of congress specifically listed in the constitution expressed powers or reserved powers?

Expressed powers are powers of Congress specifically listed in the Constitution.

How did Jefferson's view about the Constitutions implied powers differ from the view of Alexander Hamilton?

Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

Constitution states these powers are federal government's?

Expressed, also know as enumerated.

What is the meaning of expressed power?

Expressed powers are those powers directly stated in the Constitution. Most of those powers are found in the first three articles of the Constitution. Examples are the power to levy and collect taxes, to coin money, to declare war, and to regulate commerce among the states. Expressed powers are also known as enumerated (listed) powers.