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The Marshall Plan was an initiative to rebuild European economies with American economic support after the devastating World War II had ended. The main goal was to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism into Western Europe.

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13y ago

The U.S. provided aid to the Western European democracies ($13 Billion), in exchange that they would buy our goods so our economy would strengthen and they could rebuild after the destruction of WW2 in a a way we see fit (not communism).

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15y ago

The Marshall Plan (from its enactment, officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was the primary program, 1948-52, of the United States for rebuilding and creating a stronger economic foundation for the countries of Western Europe, and repelling the threat of internal communism after World War II. The initiative was named for Secretary of State George Marshall and was largely the creation of State Department officials, especially William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan. George Marshall spoke of the administration's desire to help European recovery in his address at Harvard University in June 1947.[

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13y ago

The United States government acted out the Marshall Plan to bring aid to improverished European nations because they feared that the poor, war-damaged countries would easily fall to a rising dictator or to the spread of Communism.

The United States, not wanting Communism to grow stronger and more common, helped the countries to strengthen Capitalism's standing in Europe.

In addition the Marshall plan was put into good use in the Korean War, NOT Europe that was the Truman Doctrine

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14y ago

Because at the end of the Second World War, Europe was destroyed, and a risk existed of losing their territories to the URSS, because of the hunger and unemployment of European citizens; so it was urgent to rebuild the European economy, and the production of goods and services to satisfy the needs of the European persons.

So the Marshall plan was developed and applied, given origen to the Modern European Economy.

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12y ago

The Marshall plan was an economic aid that USA provided to western Europe in the year 1947.

Western Europe was in economic misery after the end of the world war II. As a result of poverty and unemployment extremist parties especially communist parties gained popularity in Western Europe. USA knew that the only way to stop the spread of communism in Europe was to make Western Europe wealthy again. They also knew that this was not possible without financial investment form America.This was the prime reason why Marshall aid was introduced in 1947. USA also knew that if Western Europe falls to communism USA are going to lose very wealthy trading partners and without trading partners another depression can take place. Through the Marshall aid American recieved wealthy trading partners who bought American goods. USA was also keen to recieve support of people in other countries which would easily come if they were financially supported by USA. This would also mean the spread of capitalist ideas in other countries

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12y ago

The Marshall Plan was important to the U.S. because it helped to stop the spread of communism during that time. Since many nations were bankrupted and vulnerable as a result of the war, the U.S. feared that these nations will resort to a communist government. The Marshall Plan was to send aid and money towards those countries.

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14y ago

They didn't want communism to spread throughout Europe

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Q: Why did the US offer aid to Europe in the form of the Marshall Plan?
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Helped stimulate the economies and industrial growth of western Europe after the war?

No they didn't. The Who did not form until the 60s and had nothing to do with industrial growth of western Europe.

Can you describe the commitment of the United States to rebuild Europe as part of the Marshall Plan?

The Marshall Plan had several goals. First and foremost was to rebuild Europe as quickly as possible to encourage political stability. It was also a humanitarian effort, providing food and helping to rebuild housing. This was to show the populace that Democracy was a better form of government than Communism, the other major political theory in Europe.

Was the marshall plan a form of economic imperialism?

The Marshall plan was on an economic form of imperialism. It was a plan to provide economic assistance to the nations devastated by World War 2. It provided monies from a special fund in the United States. The money was to be paid back or was a gift. England paid the United States back in the 1990s I believe. See the link below for more information on the Marshall Plan.

Why did v m molotov object to the marshal plan?

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Marshall Stores offer designer wear brands. The brands come in the form of current season clothing for men, women, teens, kids at great prices everyday.

Why did vm molotov object to the marshall plan?

he believed that helping Germany fix itself would be dangerous to Europe

Was the Marshall Plan political or humanitarian?

first answer: why don't you find out your self second answer: Both, and much more. The Marshall Plan was a massive economic & humanitarian effort to save Western Europe that had political & military benefits. It kept the free democracies of western Europe from collapsing and falling prey to the Soviet Union. It enabled the European Union to form, and provided foundations for a strong NATO. As a further result, the free nations of western Europe strongly supported by the United States & Canada out-lasted (militarily & economically) the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and allowed Eastern Europe to fight to be free from communist oppression.

When did the Marshall plan begin?

Soon after the Truman Doctrine promised to 'support free peoples' (March 1947), General George Marshall went to Europe. He was shocked by what he saw. Europe was ruined and - after the coldest winter in record - starving. Marshall told Truman that all Europe would turn Communist unless the US helped. Marshall announced his Plan to students at Harvard University on 5th June 1947. He promised that America would do 'whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world.' He challenged the countries of Europe to produce a plan, which the US would fund. By 12 July, the British politician Ernest Bevin (who called the Plan 'a lifeline to sinking men') had organised a meeting of European nations in Paris, which asked for $22 billion of aid. Stalin forbade Cominform countries to take part. Truman asked Congress for $17 bn, and Congress (after the collapse of Czechoslovakia, March 1948) gave $13 bn. Marshall Aid took the form of fuel, raw materials, goods, loans and food, machinery and advisers. It jump-started rapid European economic growth, and stopped the spread of Communism. This also helped many family's out of starvation.

What did Stalin say about the Marshall Plan?

Stalin said the Marshall Plan was just a capitalist ploy to bring down Soviet socialism in general and Communist Party rule in particular. In order to qualify for aid under the Marchall Plan, a country had to pledge that it would provide a democratic form of government. This is something Stalin could never agree to, because the country would probably vote the Communist Party out of office and him along with it.

Western European countries have what form of government?

Democratic generally. However post WW2 these were influenced by the USA due to the Marshall Plan for economic support. Eastern Europe countries were often communist due toconnectionswith Soviet Russia.

What is the past form of plan?

The past form (and also the past participle) of plan is planned.

Why was the marshall plan considered a good way to prevent the spread of Communism?

Countries with unstable economies and weak governments are susceptible to the spread of communism because it offers a strong government that can fix the problems. By giving Western Europe money to rebuild, America hoped to lessen the susceptibility to communism.