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the Americans were pleading the french and spanish to help in the war, but when the Americans won a major victory at the battle of saratoga, the french saw that the colonies had a chance to win the war. With the french navy to support Americans, Britain had to fight a battle on two fronts and this quickly bankrupted the nation.

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because France and Britain were enemies and the french wanted the british to have less land in the west.

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Q: Why France helped America against Britain?
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Who helped the Americans to won Revolutionary War against the British?

The country that helped America in the American War of Independence is France.

Did France and Spain help the colonists during the revolutionary war?

France helped the colonists in the Revolutionary War after the battle of Saratoga in which the colonists proved they had a chance in winning the war. However, France only helped the colonists because they were mad at Britain and did not want Britain to win the war.

Why did America need french aid during the Revolutionary war?

America needed the aid of an ally to break lose of the English burden and to turn themselves into an independent country. The arch-rival in European and world affairs of France, was Britain. That made France the ultimate ally for the Americans to help them achieve their independence. The French entered the war in 1778, and assisted in the victory of the Americans seeking independence from Britain (realized in the 1783 Treaty of Paris). Other nations in Europe refused to take part. Then, after seeing France holding its own against the Royal Navy, Holland decided to side with France in 1780. The Spanish also offered their support in 1779. Britain was in a difficult situation. On the 6th of February, 1778, Vergennes and Louis XVI decided to sign with Benjamin Franklin a treaty of friendship and official alliance with the 13 colonies. France recognized the independent status of the colonies, both parties agreed that peace would not be signed separately, and the colonies engaged themselves in protecting French possessions in America. Battles were initiated in America in the Antilles.

How did European allies affect the revolutionary war?

The europeans made sure the American colonists always had supplies and weapons to fight the british with. the europeans are responsible for our victory because we always had the essentials, while the british ended up running out of supplies

Lucas explains that the use of necessary in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence?

Answer: Apex Quiz 1.2.4 Makes a revolt against Britain seem inescapable Hope this helped :)

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I think the answer is France.

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France helped the Americans get free of the grip of the British King and the Parliament.

What caused the France to agree to help the American?

Mainly because the countries that were against us were also enemies with France. This also gave them an ali. From the way I learned it it was America who helped France because they helped us in declaring our independence against GB.

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It was a gift from that nation to our nation. The occasion of the gift was the 100th anniversary of the founding of America, which triggered a war with Britain. Britain and France had long been enemies, so France was glad to see the USA fighting against Britain and they helped us fight against Britain too. France gave us the Statute of Liberty to show 100 years of friendship and 100 years of opposing British colonialism and military domination of the world.

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What 2 European nations fought with the Americans against the British?

France and Spain, were the 2 nations that helped to support financially and fought with the Americans against Great Britain.

What was one of the causes of 1812?

Britain forced American sailors to serve in the British navy. (apex) -RDS(: Britain helped the Indians who were fighting against American settlers. Britain tried to limit American trade with France.

Was it France that helped Britain in the battle of Britain?

No. France had already surrendered before the start of the Battle of Britain. Britain was fighting alone apart from some volunteers from several countries.

Was Britain at war with France in 1732?

yes they were... hope this helped

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