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The reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask was carnelian. The death mask is made of gold, inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stones.

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Q: A reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask?
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What colur is tutankhamens death mask?

red of blood

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Who made Tutankhamens death mask?

Unknown craftsmen.

How old tutankhamens death mask?

ancient Egypt

What reddish stone was used in Tutankhamen's death mask?

His death mask was solid gold, inlaid with Lapiz Lazuli (blue) and colored glass (red).

Who found Tutankhamens's death mask?

I believe it was found by Howard Carter.

Why was the tutankhamens death mask made?

because they couldn't stand his ugly face

Reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's mask?


Who found tutankhamens mask?

Howard Carter

Where can you find the tutankhamens body and his treasures and his mask?

The Cairo museum.

What is the reddish stones used in Tutankhamen's death mask?

Glass that has been colored with minerals.

What was tut death mask made out of?

TheDeath Mask of Tutankhamun was made ofgold inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stone