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He waited until she was sleeping, and then cut off her head by watching her reflection on the shield that Athena had lent him. Some tales say she wasn't sleeping but Perseus had a magical item as a gift from the god to make him invisible.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Since Perseus could not look into Medusa's eyes or he would turn to stone he used a shiny shield. He looked into the shield to see the reflection of her to know where she was without turning to stone. He then carefully came up from behind and cut off her head.

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15y ago

Well, in some stories he turns it to stone with a gorgon head, in other stories he throws a poisoned apple in its mouth, and in another he kills it with the diamond sword given to im by athena, while riding on a pegasus. There are probably other variations of the story too but these are the most common.

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13y ago

From his divine helpers he had acquired an invisibility cap and Athena's shiny shield. By not looking directly at Medusa but at her reflection in the shield he was able to get close to her and chop her head off.

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14y ago

In the majority of the versions of the story, while Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon, she was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who was sent to fetch her head by King Polydectes of Seriphus as a gift. With help from Athena and Hermes, who supplied him with winged sandals, Hades' cap of invisibility, a sword, and a mirrored shield, he accomplished his quest. The hero slew Medusa by looking at her harmless reflection in the mirror instead of directly at her to prevent being turned into stone. When the hero severed Medusa's head from her neck, an offspring sprang forth: the winged horse Pegasus.

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14y ago

because Polydictus, an evil king, wanted to marry Perseus' mother, Danae. he knew Perseus would never allow it though so he told Perseus he would only be happy if he went and killed Medusa. He knew he would be killed on the way. But with the help of a god, goddess, and nymphs, he was successful. he came back and the head turned Polydictus and his court into stone.

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14y ago

He killed Cetus by revealing the head of Medusa (the gorgon who could turn anything into stone with a look into her eyes) to the monster.

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7y ago

Perseus chopped off Medusa's head. Because her gaze could turn men to stone, he used her reflection in his shield and swung his sword backhanded, which she obviously wasn't expecting.

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11y ago

M ignore that m right there im having computer problems. But anyway, perseus.

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