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We still use many of the Olympic events that were used in Ancient Greece.

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7y ago

Most people have a god, and they had gods too. Lots of inventions are reflected also, such as Streets, Early locks, cranes, and many more.

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12y ago

sports, math, buildings

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Olympics, government, and math styles.

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Q: What are some ways ancient Greek culture is reflected in todays society?
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What are three ways that ancient Greece culture is reflected in todays society?

olympics. architecture. politics( senate)

How is greek culture reflected in today's society?

well, I know that the sports they played in Greece influenced todays Olympics.

3 ways the ancient greek is reflected in todays society?

i dont even care about this question because i am not even trying to figure out this question this question is boring

Ancient greek culture vs todays culture?

Ancient Greek culture was very different from today's culture. For example, the Greeks would take slaves, which is not very widespread in today's western culture.

Why is it important to understand society today?

History is important to be studied in todays modern civilization because we had to know about our country's culture

How does greek culture reflect todays society?

Greek culture has many impacts on today's society including math-the Pythagorean theorem, the Olympic games, putting together an alphabet, inventing banks, and most important creating a Democracy. Hope this helps

Greek culture Vs Todays Culture what do they have in common?

there is games almost same religion We derive many aspects of our modern western culture from the ancient Greeks. Democracy, for instance, was born in ancient Greece. Some would also argue that modern ideas about beauty are directly attributable to ancient Greek sculpture and the Greeks idealization of the human body.

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Vietnam has impacted on Australia by most of its' people migrating to here in the Vietnam war. my name is your name!!! Remember me!!!

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The problem is that there aren"t many aboriginals left in todays society for one. there culture has been almost completely destroyed and we, as a society, are still being racist to them.

Aboriginal youth in todays society?

of course

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