

What did early Romans worship?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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16y ago

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The early Romans were idolaters. It was a custom that not only did Romans initiate their own gods but as they began to conquer the known world, they did what most such nations then and before them did. If the conquered peoples had something worthwhile in their god line, the conquering nation would either adopt a similar god or some of the attributes of a particular deity they liked. Romans also deified their emperors, making idols and temples to them as they did their other deities. They had male and female deities and as was the practice their gods had specialties, governing with particular powers and crafts. Having a number of deities, as did many nations, is called the pantheon of gods. In fact the Greeks were so superstitious they had an altar to the unknown god, just in case they did not know about one and so, to not anger it by making it feel slighted. This is a very big subject. There are books in your library that specify these things.

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A pantheon of a couple of thousand gods, each with its own area of specialty.

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