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Egyptian temples were built for the official worship of the gods and commemoration of pharaohs in ancient Egypt and in regions under Egyptian control. Temples were seen as houses for the gods or kings to whom they were dedicated. Within them, the Egyptians performed a variety of rituals, the central functions of Egyptian religion: giving offerings to the gods, reenacting their mythological interactions through festivals, and warding off the forces of chaos. These rituals were seen as necessary for the gods to continue to uphold maat, the divine order of the universe. Housing and caring for the gods were the obligations of pharaohs, who therefore dedicated prodigious resources to temple construction and maintenance. Out of necessity, pharaohs delegated most of their ritual duties to a host of priests, but most of the populace was still excluded from direct participation in ceremonies and forbidden to enter a temple's most sacred areas. Nevertheless, a temple was an important religious site for all classes of Egyptians, who went there to pray, give offerings, and seek oracular guidance from the god dwelling within.

written by marium hassan .

6 c isg jubail

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6y ago

so that when they died they would have a temple for themselves to rest in. They would also bury there belonging with them so that they could have them on the afterlife!
so they can bury people
They built the pyramids to put the dead inside them. They built great temples of themselves to keep them as a mark of themselves.
These structures were built mostly to show loyalty and to worship the many gods thet the Eqyptians believed in. In some cases, these Pharoahs were believed by the people to be descendants of gods or endowed with god-like power, so things were built for them as well.

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12y ago

they were built as homage to the civilization's

gods usually

---- ----

I have an opinion that they were built because of the effects of stone on what we call today the "Urban Heat Index". The sun would heat the large stone temple or pyramid creating a convection current which would cause the air to flow in the area. Urban areas generate unique local area "climates" which is a problem even today. But in ancient times they did not have the transportation capabilities of modern peoples, and so had to build things closer together to keep it walkable, leaving little room for parks and other green areas or waterways. These places serve as cool spots, providing a contrast to the hard road and rooftop surfaces, encouraging the air to flow dispersing pollutants and cooling the air in occupied areas. A large temple or other stone object would be warmer than an urban area, even if constructed of the same matereals due to shade, animals, some plants, cloth (canopies and etc.) and so would provide the needed contrast to allow for flowing air within densely populated ancient cities filled with stinky animals and lacking modern sanitation improvements or cooling.

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6y ago

They built temples so they could worship the gods but also so they could display their power and wealth.
they built them because they believed that the gods lived in them also to make sure the people remembered them an how great they were
They built huge temples because people had faith in them and they wanted to remember them (THEM=PHARAOHS AND KINGS)
They built them because they believed that the gods lived in them.

Hope I helped ;)

Also to make sure the people remembered them and how great they were. Ramses II reinforced this message by building statues of himself in the temples he built or extended. The poet Shelley wrote a poem about it:

I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: "Two vast trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert

Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, a sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive stamped upon these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Ozymandias [Ramses], king of kings:

Look upon my works ye mighty and despair!"

Nothing beside remains, Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away

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14y ago

so they could be buried there when they die.

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13y ago

Temples and pyramids were built for a pharaoh so that went they died they were placed there. It was also so they could be protected by the Gods.

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13y ago

the egyptians belived that the only way to fully embrace there gods would be to get them as high as needed that revolved around the god that the monument was built for

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11y ago

because the had to pray

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Duke Lemke

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2y ago

To worship the gods

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Could ancient egyptians live in temples?

No. The temples are the homes of the Gods.

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Where do Egyptian people worship?

The Egyptians worship, according to their religions, either in mosques, churches, or temples.

Where Did ancient egyptians?

They prayed in temples