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The manor was a farming estate provided by a monarch or high lord to a lesser noble, such as a knight, in exchange for military and political support. The knight used the manor to provide for his horses and to get an income, which also provided for his armor, a benefit to the monarch. The income of the lord of the manor came at least partly from the work of peasants, who raised food, but the manor could also provide for other things, such as a mill, pottery, blacksmith, and so on. The peasants who lived on the manor worked part time for the lord in exchange for fields to use for themselves, a place to live, and protection in times of trouble.

The manor was pretty much self sufficient. Its purpose in the times it was developed, was to provide a military force for the monarch at a time when there were few resources to keep a standing army and when a standing army could not answer the immediate needs of such short-term local problems as a Viking raid.

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It didn't it got exploded by the Germans in Italy and it also did not have anything to save it.

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The people who worked the land were tied to it, and had few rights. (APEX)

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Q: What best describes the system of manorialism used in medieval Europe?
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Manorialism was a system of land ownership and organization in medieval Europe where lords granted land to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service.

How did manorialism affect western civilization?

Manorialism is a system of social relations between seigneurs or lords and their dependent farm laborers, serfs, in the Middle Ages. Manorialism is also known as the Manorial System. The political, economic, and social system is what the peasants of medieval Europe were made dependent on their land derived from the word "manor".

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