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Two, sniper and observer.

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Shayne Stokes

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12y ago

It all depends upon what you mean by a detachment. The Romans had a tent detachment of eight men, a century or 80 men and a cohort of roughly 300 men. These could all be considered detachments if deployed independently.

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16y ago

Answer That may be difficult to answer. Romans used terms for their units such as Legion(5000 men), Cohort(1000 men), Centuria (30 to as many as 200 men) and even Contubernium (group sharing a tent). Their organization was note equivalent to today's army.

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12y ago

That's a difficult question to answer because the Romans had no unit comparable to our squad. The smallest fighting unit in the Roman army was the century, which would come closest to our definition of a squad. A century consisted of 80 men. Yes, there was a tent unit of eight men, but they were not a fighting unit, they were simply a sleeping unit and many times did not serve in the same fighting units.

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A Roman cohort consisted of 300 to 600 men.

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Q: How many soldiers are in a detachment of roman soldiers?
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A roman soldier who is tortured to death?

Doubtless many Roman soldiers were tortured to death when captured by enemies of rome.

How many roman soldiers were in the battle of Trebia?

Over 100,000 Roman's fought in the Battle of the River Trebia and roughly 50,000 of them were killed by the Carthaginians.

What happened to roman deserters?

If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.

Why did roman soldiers blow trumpets?

The Roman Soldiers Blew Their Trumpets So They Could Distract The Elephants They Battled Against The Hannibal's Forces

What nationality were most roman soldiers?


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John 18:3New International Version (NIV) 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.A detachment of Roman soldiers is approximately 1/10th of a Roman Legion which would make it 600 men following Judas.

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There were 800 soldiers in the first cohort of a Roman legion. The remaining nine cohorts had 480 men each.

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Doubtless many Roman soldiers were tortured to death when captured by enemies of rome.

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By definition, fighting is what soldiers do.

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All Roman soldiers were paid. They were professional soldiers.

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What civilization did the pugio come from?

"Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers."Pugio" is the Latin word for a knife or a dagger. It came from the Roman civilization as it was carried by all Roman soldiers.

What was the pagan roman religion popular with soldiers?

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How did Roman Soldiers prove their citizenship?

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