York York was called Eboracum by the Romans. York is a corruption of the Viking name Jorvik.
Helen's story is from the Ancient Greek times. Roman times are after the Greeks, therefore Helen has no Roman name.
The Name Linus origanly comes from the latin and mean "The moany one" it comes from the roman times which comes from one of the roman empires Linusus
Zeus is Jupiter, Jupiter is his Roman name he is the king of gods and HE can be mad at times or he can be nice depends on what he is dealing with.
He does not have a Roman name.
Hyperion doesn't have a Roman name.
Eboracum was the Roman name for York.
New Roman Times
Helen's story is from the Ancient Greek times. Roman times are after the Greeks, therefore Helen has no Roman name.
Michelle is a French name, the feminine of Michel, the French for Michael. It did not exist in Roman times.
The New york times
In Roman times, it was called in Latin Londinium.
Skegness probably did not exist in Roman times, but is a Danish settlement.
Times Square is names after the New York Times building.
Wolf = Lupus in Latin
Bremetenacum or Bremetenacum Veteranorum.