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Was Chlorine gas used in WW1?

I have decided to tell you a bit about Chlorine Gas.

Poison gas was probably the most feared of all weapons in World War One. The French were the first to use Poison Gas. In the first month of WW1, in August 1914. They used Tear-Gas grenades. The Germans were the first to use it in a LARGE SCALE at the battle of Ypres in 1915. They delivered chlorine by the use of pressurized cylinders. Chlorine gas was developed so it could be used on soldiers in trenches even when no attack was going on. Whereas the machine gun killed more soldiers overall during war, this meant soldiers could find shelter in bomb shell craters. A chlorine attack meant soldiers would have to put face masks on. If this was unsuccessful, an attack could leave a victim in agony for days. Before they made proper face masks they used cotton pads soaked in urine. Although the chlorine gas was effective, the wind would not always blow in a favorable direction. This meant the soldiers could end up killing there own troops.

The gas was made in hope that many of the German enemies would die. Germany was surprised by the impact of the chlorine gas. Although many men died in war, many more died of poison gas related injuries years after the war. They do not take into account the number of men who survived but could not hold a job once they had been released from the army. Some damage done was blisters, lungs, organs and blindness. One nurse described the death of one soldier who had been in the trenches during a chlorine gas attack. "He was sitting on the bed, fighting for breath, his lips plum coloured. He was a magnificent young Canadian past all hope in the asphyxia of chlorine. I shall never forget the look in his eyes as he turned to me and gasped: I can't die! Is it possible that nothing can be done for me?" It was a horrible death, but as hard as they tried, doctors were unable to find a way of successfully treating chlorine gas poisoning.

The poison gases were spread throughout the trenches to kill soldiers. These poison gases polluted battle fields, and most of the gases evaporated into the atmosphere. After the war, unexploded ammunition caused major problems in former battle areas. The environmental legislation prohibits dumping chemical weapons at sea. Therefore the cleanup still remains a costly operation. Chlorine could kill any animal that inhaled it. This would have mainly been horses and birds.

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it made donkeys angry and people got blisters in their lungs and stuff

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Germany, France, and Britain.

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