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Today's (or recently) anchormen, like Dan Rather, were at the time young war correspondents accompanying US Infantrymen in the field, during the war. Firefights were covered with moving film and sound. These were later transmitted to the living rooms of people through out the United States. Usually during the Huntley, Brinkley Reports, Putnam News, and Walter Cronkite Reports. On some occasions, the war correspondents were seen to be "hit", and the camera kept rolling, the TV anchormen just let the "coverage continue"; then ending with a, "...close call for Dan over there, hope he's onto our local news..." For US Aircraft being shot down; Those were normally black & white footage, and "graciously" given to US News Coverage teams, by the North Vietnamese Government (termed "Hanoi Release's"), which were also aired on the same TV networks.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The Vietnam War was the FIRST war in which nearly EVERY US household had a TV; in most cases, a color TV. News Reporters, fully knowledgeable of this fact, sent bloody images into every US living room. The consequences of such actions resulted in President Reagan's media blackout during his Operation Urgent Fury during the 1983 Grenada invasion. Then his former (Vice) President Bush's (Sr.) restrictive news coverage during Operation Desert Storm, commencing on 15 January 1991.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The media gave the idea that the US was losing the Vietnam war horrifically to the US public, and because the US is a country "of the people" the American government was forced by its people to move out of Vietnam before a victory, that was very near, was achieved. The USA didn't lose the Vietnam war but it did not win it either, it went into the country with one main mission to protect SV from communism which it accomplished up to the point of its removal as US and SV forces were pushing the NV forces back deep into NV (by this time the Vietcong was beaten down into a force that was unable to wage war by the Americans)

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Pictures are worth a thousand words; the media fuelled the flames of discontent.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

they showed everything thata was happening... i.e U.S troops being killed and it started to make US citizens anti-war

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The US media brought death, in living color, into every American living room.

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The media was the main factor that shaped American views on the War in Vietnam. Unadulterated coverage of the war showed Americans just how futile the battle actually was.

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Because of coverage of the Vietnam War being displayed in the media, this lead to Anti-War movements thorughout the U.S.

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War protesters.

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All were officially neutral.

What effect did media images of the war most have on America?

Media images of the war had a significant impact on America, shaping public opinion and mobilizing support for or against military intervention. Graphic and disturbing images, such as the Vietnam War's "napalm girl" photo, contributed to growing anti-war sentiment. These images also helped fuel broader movements for peace and played a role in influencing policy decisions made by the government.

What Most of the war illustrations in the media during the Vietnam war were mainly drawn to?

they were used to spark protest against America's involvement in the Vietnam War

Why did the media turn against the Vietnam War?

The media DIDN'T turn against the's just that pictures didn't lie.

What was the french's role in the Vietnam war?

They fought a war there to retain the country.

Most of the war illustrations in the media during the Vietnam war were mainly drawn to what?

Death and destruction.