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Defend freedom of seas. :)

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Q: What was the United State's Major goal during World War 1?
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What 2 major Europen countries were the enmies on during world war 2?

These two major countries are England and United States of America.

What was one of the major countries the Japanese were unable to conquer during World War 2?

The United States of America

When did United States Navy operations during World War I happen?

United States Navy operations during World War I happened in 1917.

What major battles was Woodrow Wilson in in world war1?

Woodrow Wilson did not see any major battles in World War 1. In fact, during World War 1, he was the President of the United States.

Who were the Allies for the United States in World War II?

Great Britain, France, and Canada. Major allies during WWl were France, United Kingdom, Russia, US Major allies during WWll were US, France, Great Britain, Soviet Union

What were the major events in the Japanese path to war including their activity and plans for China during World War 2?

The were alis with the United States

What does united state produce?

The United States is a major producer of Agricultural Products... The United States feeds the world so i guess you could say the United States produces life?

Who ruled during the 1930s?

The United States was the world superpower.

Who were the alllies of France in world war 2?

The allies during WWII covered the majority of the nations that existed at the time, but the more major were, The United States, The United Kingdom, The Soviet Union, and Canada.

During world war II the tide turned in favor of the united states at the battle of?

The tide turned in favor of the United States during the battle of midway

What are the major world deserts and were are they are located?

In Antarctica, Australia, United States, and China.

What was a major factor in the United States of America transportation during world war 2?

The Liberty ships and the DC-3 (C-47) air transports.