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The longest and bloodiest war between the whites and Indians was King Phillip's War.

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Q: What was the longest and bloodiest war between whites and Indians in the 1600s?
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Why did the Indians and the whites appeared unable to live peacefully side by side?

The Indians and whites could not live peacefully side by side due to the early history of behavior of whites which breed mistrust in the Indians. One example of Indians inability to trust whites started as early as the Jamestown incident in which whites repeatedly incited violent acts upon the Indians in order to establish themrselves as rulers and lawmakers over the Indians. Most whites were of aristocratic background and refused to hunt or plant food for survival as it was considered beneath them. After recorded acts of canibalism committed against other whites , the Indians finally agreed to allow whites to eat the food which Indians had grown in trade for certain things and in order to prevent further atrocities. Whites continued to behave violently towards the Indians.

What role did the US Government have in the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

The government, at the time, had a policy if harsh treatment of the American Indians. They wanted expansion of whites into lands the Indians lived in. The government organized the Army and put Custer in the positin to do what he didl

Was the New South Creed expounded by whites not blacks?

by whites

Why did the Cayuse Indians attack the Whitman mission?

When a measles epidemic broke out at the mission in November 1847, many of the Indians were killed while the white newcomers survived. The Cayuse suspected that the Whitmans and their foreign religion were the cause of the fatal disease. In retaliation, the Whitmans and eleven other whites were killed by the Cayuse, and the mission was burned down.

Rich virginians allowed poor whites to do what to keep good relations?

they allowed poor whites the use of their plantation barns use plantation barns They allowed poor whites the use of their skilled slaves

Related questions

How was the relationship between the whites and Indians?

The Indians and Whites had various relationships. Some liked the whites and some didnt, it depended on what the indians tribe was like, and what they beileved.

What differences in the fighting of war existed between whites and the Plains Indians?

One of the most notable differences between how whites and the plains Indians would fight was the technology they possessed. Most Indians relied heavily on homemade weaponry and devices while many whites had their guns manufactured. The use of gun powder was a critical difference and legitimate difference in many battles.

What battle marked the end of three centuries of warfare between the Indians and the whites?

The battle of the wounded knee

Why did the Indians and the whites appeared unable to live peacefully side by side?

The Indians and whites could not live peacefully side by side due to the early history of behavior of whites which breed mistrust in the Indians. One example of Indians inability to trust whites started as early as the Jamestown incident in which whites repeatedly incited violent acts upon the Indians in order to establish themrselves as rulers and lawmakers over the Indians. Most whites were of aristocratic background and refused to hunt or plant food for survival as it was considered beneath them. After recorded acts of canibalism committed against other whites , the Indians finally agreed to allow whites to eat the food which Indians had grown in trade for certain things and in order to prevent further atrocities. Whites continued to behave violently towards the Indians.

What is Columbia's ethnicities?

Indians, blacks, and whites

What was the rights for black whites coloreds and Indians in Africa?


What contributions did Dr Marcus Whitman and Dr John McLoughlin give to the pacific?

dr.Whitman treated white men and Indians from many diseases in the 18th century. Whitman was then killed because the whites were more immune to diseases and the Indians thought he was favoring the whites over the Indians since the Indians didnt react to the medicine as well as the whites did.

What did the whites do to chase the Indians away?

They killed every buffalo in sight to chase the Indians out of their territories

What is a comanchero?

Whites and Indians who traded with the American Indians of the southwest during the late 1800's.

Is Mexico a government of Indians or a government of whites?

It is a government of both indians and whites and anything in between. People is a mixture of whites and indians. There has been at least one indian president. Most have been "mestizos" whithe/indian. but most had looked very white with little to no indian blood. Souther states have more indians that northern. Culturally and educationally is mostly white. Their official language is Spanish. there are only small areas with indias that have kept their original culture. Nonte. The indians in Mexico are mostly Nahuatl and Mayans; they are also called indigens to identify them as American indians not from the country of India.

What race joins mostly the military?

Indians in India Whites in UK Whites in France Whites in Poland Whites in Czeh Republic Whites in USA Yellow people in China Eskimos in Eskimo Land Stupid question...

Tecumseh argued that Indians should?

not cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agreed