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Hitler wrote his book, "Mein Kampf", while he was in prison for trying to overthrow the German government. It was written in 1923-24.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Mein Kampf, which means 'my struggle'

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βˆ™ 11y ago

main kamf [my strugle] is the book written by hitler

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He wrote his memoir, Mein kampf.

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What was Hitler's daughter's name?

Hitler did not have a daughter. Heidi was the name of the daughter in the book,"Hitler's Daughter", but I believe that Hitler did not have a daughter in real life.

What was the name of Hitler book?

His book was called Mein Campf or 'My struggle'

What was Hitler full name?

His full name was Adolf Hitler.

What was Vladek's son's name in the book Maus?

His first son's name was Richieu Spiegelman and the son who wrote the book and is getting the information from Vladek is named Artie Spiegelman.

Was Adolf Hitler's real name Adolf Schicklgruber?

Adolf Hitler only ever had the surname Hitler.Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. His parents were Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler (nee Pölzl). Klara was his 3rd wife and his second cousin.Alois Hitler was born on 7 June 1837 as the illegitimate son of Anna Maria Schicklgruber and Johann Georg Hiedler. He went by the name of Alois Schicklgruber until he was 39, when, in 1876, his uncle, Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, included him in his will on the condition that he change his name to Hiedler. As a result of dialectic variations the name change was recorded in the church registry of the parish of Döllersheim on 4 June 1876 as Alois Hitler.On 6 January 1877, the name change was officially confirmed and Alois Schicklgruber became Alois Hitler, which secured him his share of the inheritance.In the 19th Century there were several variations of the name in Austria: Hüttler, Hiedler, Hittler and Hitler depending on region and dialect and all variations were pronounced more or less the same. It is accepted that the variations are derived from Hütte (hut) and was probably used to refer to a peasant or small holder.As to why Alois Hitler did not correct this mistake and ensure that his new surname was correctly recorded as Hiedler is debatable. Journalist and histororian Wolfgang Zdral wrote in his book The Hitlers: "[Alois] probably liked the idea that he could distance himself from his ancestry with this variation. As "Hitler" he would begin a new branch of the family tree and as a dynastic progenitor he would found his own clan".

Related questions

What was the name of the book that Hitler wrote to detail his plans for Germany?

Mein kampf

What is the name of the famous book that Hitler wrote?

Mein kampf, meaning My struggle.

Why did Hitler like his name?

Hitler's only childhood friend, August Kubizek, wrote a book about Hitler. In one section, he recalls that Hitler had told him that the name Shicklgruber (which was his original name) "seemed to him so uncouth, so boorish, apart from being so clumsy and unpractical. He found 'Hiedler' . . . too soft, but 'Hitler' sounded nice and was easy to remember." The book which he wrote is The Young Hitler I Knew.

Name the book that Hitler wrote in which he sets out his aims for Germany?

Mein kampf, which means 'My struggle'.

What was the name of the book Adolf Hitler wrote outlining Germany's path to world dominance?

Mien Kapf which means "my struggle" in German

Who wrote Mein Kampf?

Adolf Hitler Hitler wrote the Mein Komph while he was in jail. This book set forth his goals an dbeliefs for Germany. Hitler wrote that Germans were the master race, and that all other races were inferior. He called the Versailles Treaty an outrage, and vowed to reagain German lands. Hitler also wrote that Germany needed more living space, and he promised to get that by conquering eastern Europe and Russia. 8/3/09 Hitler wrote this book for an outline of plans for the nazi Germany. For a private armies he called the storm troopers. This is much like the dead sea scrolls along with the history and story behind them and the people who wrote them.

What is the name of Adolf Hitler book?

Mein Kampf.

What is the name of Hitlers book and it reflected on which three of Hitlers obsession?

The book which Hitler wrote was called "Mein Kampf" in English, it's"My Struggle". There were 2 volumes which expressed all of Hitler's Ideals and how see the world to be at the time, and how he would change the future. This gives you a glimpse and what happened during Hitler's Reign.

What is the name off the memoir that adolf Hitler wrote?

Mein kampf

What was Hitler's daughter's name?

Hitler did not have a daughter. Heidi was the name of the daughter in the book,"Hitler's Daughter", but I believe that Hitler did not have a daughter in real life.

Hitler's book meaning my struggle?

The name of the book is Mein kampf.

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