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The first Us ambassador to Vietnam after 1975 was Pete Peterson. He was appointed in 1997. For over 20 years since 1975, there was no US Ambassador to Vietnam.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Nguyen Quoc Cuong is the Ambassador to the US for Vietnam.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

S. Viet Ambassador Tran Kim Phuong.

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Q: Who was the first Us ambassador to Vietnam after 1975?
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US Military personnel were in Vietnam from 1955 thru 1975.

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The fear of being invaded was not a justification for the increase in US involvement in Vietnam. The US withdrew from Vietnam in 1975.

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Vietnam is a communist country since 1975. Prior to 1975 there were two Vietnams; a NORTH and a SOUTH Vietnam. Those two nations fought from about 1955 until 1975, with the US supporting South Vietnam; which was defeated by force of arms on 30 April 1975.

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The Vietnam war. Or the Resistance War Against America.

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The nation (country) of Vietnam didn't exist during the Vietnam War. Nor was any nation called "Vietnam" fighting the US. There was a country called North Vietnam that defeated the Republic of South Vietnam in 1975. The US was allied to the RVN (Republic of South Vietnam).

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Vietnam. The last US troops left Vietnam in 1975.