



The genocide of approximately 6 million European Jews during World War II planned by Adolf Hitler.

500 Questions

Why wrere the German mean at the Jews?

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Germans (pure German)thought that the Jewish people were the the reason they lost World War 1. They believed this as:

1: Hitler made them believe as he thought that the worst people were Jews and his speeches were powerful and had a clear message.

2: Jews did protest about stopping the war which made them believe Hitler was right.

The result was Jewish shops and businesses boycotted in the start and more than 5mil Jews killed in Germany due to Hitler in concentration camps

What were struggles for Elie Wiesel in the concentration camp?

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Elie Wiesel faced struggles such as extreme hunger, physical abuse, forced labor, and witnessing the death and suffering of loved ones in the concentration camp. Additionally, he struggled with maintaining his faith in God and the value of human life amidst such horrific conditions.

Are concentration camps still used today?

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Yes, concentration camps are still used today in some parts of the world, such as in China where Uighur Muslims are detained in internment camps. These camps have drawn international condemnation for their human rights abuses and violations.

Who all stayed with the Frank's while they were hiding?

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Anne Frank, her family (Otto, Edith, and Margot), and four other people (Hermann and Auguste van Pels, their son Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer) stayed in the Secret Annex while they were in hiding from the Nazis during World War II.

Did simone Arnold liebster go to a concentration camp?

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Yes, Simone Arnold Liebster was sent to a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. She was a Jehovah's Witness and was imprisoned for her beliefs and refusal to support the Nazi regime.

What is the difference between the holocaust and the book Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli?

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The Holocaust refers to the systematic genocide of six million Jews by the Nazis during World War II. "Milkweed" is a novel by Jerry Spinelli that follows a young boy living on the streets of Warsaw during the Holocaust. While the book is a work of fiction, it is inspired by true events from that time period.

Why does Mrs Frank have a change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave?

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Mrs. Frank has a change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave because she realizes that they are also suffering and in need of help. She sees the importance of sticking together and supporting one another during such a difficult time in hiding. This change of heart is driven by compassion and a sense of unity in the face of adversity.

What motto was inscribed on the plaque at aushwitz?

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The motto inscribed at Auschwitz was "Arbeit macht frei," which translates to "Work sets you free." It was a cruel deception meant to mislead prisoners into believing that hard work would ultimately lead to their freedom.

What did Edith Frank enjoy doing before the war?

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Edith Frank didn't have a profession, but was a housewife.

What does peter think about otto frank?

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Peter thinks highly of Otto Frank, describing him as a kind and caring father figure who showed great courage and strength in difficult times. Otto's guidance and wisdom have left a lasting impact on Peter's life.

What deprivations did Anne and people from the annex faced?

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Anne Frank and the others in the annex faced multiple deprivations, including limited food supplies, lack of privacy, confinement in a small space, fear of discovery, and uncertainty about the future. They also experienced emotional and psychological struggles due to the stressful and restrictive conditions of hiding during the Nazi occupation.

How was the holocaust considered a dystopia according to night by elie weisel conclusion?

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The Holocaust is considered a dystopia in "Night" by Elie Wiesel because it portrays a world where humanity's worst qualities are unleashed, with systematic dehumanization, violence, and genocide. The conclusion of the book reinforces this dystopian view by showing the lasting impact of the Holocaust on survivors like Elie Wiesel, who grapple with profound trauma and loss. The bleak and haunting ending serves as a stark reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and the darkness that can reside within human society.

How was Mrs van Daan killed?

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Mrs. van Daan died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945 from exhaustion, sickness, and starvation during the Holocaust. She passed away shortly before the camp was liberated by Allied forces.

What does Dussel tell the Franks and Van Daans about the outside world?

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Dussel tells the Franks and Van Daans about the deteriorating conditions outside, such as food shortages, bombings, and persecutions of Jews. He also updates them on the progress of the war and the Allied forces' advances.

Why do the franks decide to go into hiding when they do?

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The Franks chose to go into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam to avoid persecution and deportation by the Nazis during World War II. It was a means of protecting themselves and attempting to survive the dangerous circumstances of the Holocaust.

What was Peter Van Daans dislikes?

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Peter Van Daan disliked the confined space of the annex, the tension between the residents, and the lack of privacy. He also disliked being cooped up indoors all day and not being able to go outside.

Did Miep Gies work for Otto Frank?

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Yes, Miep Gies worked for Otto Frank in his company while helping to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust. She was one of the individuals who helped to keep them safe and provided them with food and supplies while they were in hiding.

What is the cause for most of their quarrels between the van daans and the franks?

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Many of the quarrels between the Van Daans and the Franks in Anne Frank's diary stem from differences in personalities and living habits, such as Mrs. Van Daan's vanity and Mr. Van Daan's selfishness. Additionally, the stress of living in close quarters and fear of their situation during the Holocaust contribute to tensions within the annex.

Did Anne Live in the secret Annex during the holocaust?

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Yes, Anne Frank and her family hid in the secret annex in Amsterdam during the Holocaust to escape Nazi persecution. They lived there for over two years before being discovered and arrested by the Gestapo.

How did the van daans die?

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The van Daans, a Jewish family who went into hiding with Anne Frank during World War II, died in concentration camps. Hermann and Auguste van Daan died in Auschwitz in 1944, and their son Peter van Daan died in Mauthausen in 1945.

Why do the young Jewish men with knives not attack the ss?

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The young Jewish men with knives choose not to attack the SS officers because they are outnumbered and would likely face severe consequences or death. Additionally, they may prioritize other forms of resistance or survival strategies in the face of such overwhelming force.

What did survivors do for a living after they left the concentration camp?

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After leaving the concentration camps, survivors faced challenges due to physical and mental trauma, lost families, and disrupted lives. Many survivors initially struggled to find work and reintegrate into society. Some eventually found employment in various fields like education, healthcare, business, or advocacy work. Others relied on support from relief organizations and government assistance to rebuild their lives.

In night what advice was Elie given to pass the selection process?

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Elie Wiesel was advised by a fellow prisoner in the concentration camp to run to the left during the selection process, as the left side of the line was often chosen for labor, which would increase his chances of survival.

Ann frank was a dutch Jewish girl who died in a concentration camp what type of book did she write?

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Anne Frank wrote a diary while she and her family were in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. This diary, "The Diary of a Young Girl," details her thoughts, experiences, and emotions during that time.

What happened to families when they were in the ghetto?

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Families in ghettos faced overcrowding, poor living conditions, and limited access to food and resources. They were subjected to harsh restrictions on their movements and faced persecution and violence at the hands of authorities. Many families were separated, deported to concentration camps, or killed during the Holocaust.