


US Presidents

The US President is the head of state and the head of the federal government of the United States of America. The president's power is checked and balanced by the two other branches of the US Government, which are Congress and the Supreme Court.

500 Questions

Does Obama like the idea of homeschooling?

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Obama supports the right of parents to homeschool their children but also believes in the importance of strong public education systems and ensuring all children have access to high-quality education. He has not specifically stated his personal opinion on homeschooling.

What is a way to remember the order of the presidents?

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One way to remember the order of the presidents is to use mnemonic devices or create a rhyme that includes the presidents' names in order. Another way is to associate each president with a specific visual image or fact to help anchor their place in the sequence. Flashcards or online quizzes can also be helpful for practice and reinforcement.

What might a wealthy executive who has committed financial wrongdoing and faces jail time appeal to the president for?

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The executive might appeal to the president for a pardon or clemency to avoid serving jail time. They may argue that their contributions to the economy or society outweigh their crime, or that their incarceration would have negative effects on their family or business.

When the president accepts the legal existence of another country it is known as the power of .?

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It is called the power of recognition, recognizing the new government as the legal government of the country in question. Washington was the first to used this power when he recognized the French Republic after the French Revolution.

Does the president make foreign agreement with executive agreement?

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Yes, the president can make foreign agreements through executive agreements. These agreements do not require Senate approval like treaties do, but they are still binding and carry the same legal weight as long as they fall within the president's constitutional authority.

Does 'Republican' have to be capitalized?

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Lowercase republican refers to a system of political thought; uppercase Republican refers to the Republican Party.

----------> Edit/addition: Political Parties: Capitalize the name of a political party and the word "party." Use lower case for a general political philosophy. ex.: Democrat, Republican, German Social Democratic Party. Fred's parents were staunch Republicans; at their urging he joined the Party. (
Yes, because it is a proper




What if a president is involved with treason or bribe?

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If a president is involved with treason or bribery, they could face impeachment or criminal charges. The legal process would need to be followed to investigate and potentially hold the president accountable for their actions. Ultimately, the consequences would depend on the evidence and the decisions of the legal system.

Who can charge president with Bribery?

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In the United States, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach a president for bribery, while the Senate has the power to hold a trial and potentially remove the president from office. It is ultimately up to the House to bring formal charges, and up to the Senate to convict and remove a president from office.

What vice president resigned due to a bribery scandal?

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Spiro Agnew, Vice President of the United States under Richard Nixon, resigned in 1973 due to a bribery scandal related to kickbacks he received from contractors during his time as Governor of Maryland.

Who was the candidate elected president due to a corrupt political deal?

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Rutherford B. Hayes was the candidate elected president in a controversial election in 1876 after a corrupt political deal known as the Compromise of 1877. Hayes won the presidency over Samuel Tilden by agreeing to end Reconstruction in the South in exchange for support from key states.

What was the alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and clay for the presidency in 1824?

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The alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and Clay in the 1824 election refers to accusations that Henry Clay, who was eliminated from the election and later appointed as Secretary of State by John Quincy Adams, had made a deal to support Adams in exchange for the position. This led to Adams being elected as president despite not winning the popular vote or an electoral college majority.

Did the corrupt bargain result in Andrew Jackson winning the election in 1824?

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No, the corrupt bargain actually resulted in John Quincy Adams winning the election in 1824. Henry Clay, who was Speaker of the House at the time, used his influence to help Adams secure the presidency in exchange for being appointed Secretary of State. This deal was seen as unfair by Jackson and his supporters, leading to his victory in the next presidential election in 1828.

Why does the Democratic Party support higher taxes and more government?

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The Democratic Party generally supports higher taxes to fund social programs, infrastructure, and address income inequality. They believe in a larger government role in providing healthcare, education, and other services to ensure social welfare and economic stability.

Why did the jacksonian charge of a corrupt bargain to john Adams the presidency arise?

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The Jacksonians accused John Quincy Adams of striking a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay during the 1824 election, where Clay allegedly supported Adams in exchange for the position of Secretary of State. Jackson and his supporters claimed this backroom deal deprived him of the presidency, despite winning the popular vote. This accusation fueled Jackson's political attacks against Adams and contributed to the deepening divide between the Democratic-Republicans and the National Republicans.

Why is Obama considered the Most Corrupt President In US History?

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There is no widely accepted evidence to support the claim that Barack Obama is the most corrupt president in US history. Allegations of corruption often stem from political bias or misinformation. It's essential to critically evaluate sources and consider a variety of perspectives when forming opinions about political figures.

Which French foreign minister refused to see the US commissioners sent by President Adams unless they first paid a bribe?

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Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, refused to see the US commissioners unless they paid a bribe. This incident became known as the XYZ Affair and strained relations between the United States and France.

What association has emerged as the world's main political unit?

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The United Nations has emerged as the world's main political unit, serving as a forum for international cooperation and diplomacy among its member countries to address global challenges and promote peace and security.

Is the term 'Domino Theory' a political or economic term?

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The term 'Domino Theory' is a political term. It was used during the Cold War to describe the belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also fall like a row of dominoes.

What member of President Harding's cabinet proved to be incompetent and corrupt?

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Albert B. Fall, who served as Secretary of the Interior in President Harding's cabinet, was found to be both incompetent and corrupt. Fall was involved in the Teapot Dome scandal, where he accepted bribes in exchange for granting oil leases on federal land. He became the first cabinet member in U.S. history to be convicted of a crime while in office.

How did Coolidge deal with the corrupt Ohio Gang?

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Coolidge distanced himself from the corrupt Ohio Gang by not actively participating in their schemes and maintaining a reputation for personal integrity. He did not shield members of the Ohio Gang from investigations or scandals, but instead, he allowed the legal system to uncover and prosecute any wrongdoings. Coolidge's hands-off approach helped restore public confidence in his administration.

Which president was victom of the corrupt bargain?

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The president who was involved in the Corrupt Bargain was John Quincy Adams, who was elected in 1824. The Corrupt Bargain refers to an alleged deal between Adams and Henry Clay to secure Adams' victory in the House of Representatives after no candidate received a majority in the electoral college.

What are the differences between American and European political parties?

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Europe in general, particularly Scandinavia, is simply more socialist than the United States. Where an American conservative would see the Democrat party as borderline communist, understand that from a European's perspective, the Democrats are barely left wing. They are marginally more to the left than right, and it all comes down to perspective. Saying that Democrats are Liberal and Republicans are Conservative would be disingenuous. These are only truths for those within the United States who have the same American perspective. The common example would be: Find me a Democrat within America, and I'll find a European right wing that's more liberal.

The main difference between American and European political parties is that with the primacy of the Parliamentary system in Europe (vs the Presidential system in the USA), Europe has a much larger number of viable parties in each country. That is, in practically all European countries, there exist at least 3 parties, and, in many cases, 5 or 6 parties can carry enough votes to win representation in the Legislature.

Thus, European parties tend to be more narrow in their political agendas, as they wish to appeal to specific interest groups; in a system with larger number of parties, the most successful political strategy seems to be to target specific interest groups, rather than go for larger broad-based appeal. Parliamentary systems generally work on the theory of proportional representation systems, where representation is relatively correlated with the amount of total vote that party received, so getting SOME vote will get a party SOME power. So parties tend to have a narrow political spectrum focus, which insure them at least a share of power.

In the 2-party American system, the opposite strategy works best: attempt to appeal to the largest possible group of ideals, as getting into power requires the majority of any vote - failing to win a majority means your party gets NO political power. So, American parties tend to have opposing general philosophies which then morph into much larger sets, in an effort to attract voters from the political middle ground (ideologically-speaking). American parties thus have much "wider" ideologies than European parties.

Also, as mentioned above, the actual ideals which the American major parties espouse do NOT fit well within the same-named European parties, for many cultural reasons. The American's view of Conservative vs Liberal is very, very different than the European view of the same terms.

Why should elections be held regularly?

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Elections should be held regularly to ensure the democratic process is upheld, provide citizens with the opportunity to choose their leaders, hold government officials accountable, and promote political stability by allowing for peaceful transitions of power.