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There were only 46 states in 1911, not 48. In 1912, New Mexico (Jan. 6) became the 47th state, then Arizona became the 48th state (Feb. 14). Oklahoma (#46) was added in 1907, and # 45 was Utah in 1896.

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6y ago

In 1910, there were 46 states. New Mexico and Arizona joined in 1912. Alaska and Hawaii joined in 1959.

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10y ago

In 1896 in the United States, there were 45 states. In the United States presidential election of 1896, William McKinley defeated William J. Bryan.

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11y ago

I do not know,thus I asked this question .

Thomas Woodall

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How many states in 1915?

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Byron White United States Courthouse was created in 1916.

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