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Southerners who supported the Republican party and were in favor of Reconstruction were known by the pejorative term "Scalawags" in the south. They were vilified by the pro-federation southern majority that considered "radical" notions like desegregation and integration degenerate "Northern" ideals.

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people who care about unfair separation. abolitionists

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Scalawags C:

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Q: Northerner who settled in the south after the civil war and supported radical reconstruction?
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Northerners who settled in the south after the war and supported radical reconstruction were known as?


Northerners who settled in the south after the war and supported radical reconstruction were know as?


What Major Issue was Settled By The Compromises Of 1877?

it settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election and ended Congressional ("Radical") Reconstruction

What event signaled the end of Reconstruction in 1877?

The Compromise of 1877 was the event that ended Reconstruction. The compromise did more than just end Reconstruction, it also settled the 1876 Presidential election dispute and removed federal troops from the South.

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Many former slaves moved west in the 1800s. Northerner's feared freed slaves would take their jobs. They did not want to stay in the hostile South.

The Presidents Compromise?

The Compromise of 1877 refers to the unwritten and informal deal that ended the Reconstruction Era. The unwritten deal is what settled the 1876 United States disputed presidential elections.

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German and Scotch-Irish immigrants settled in the Shenandoah Valley along their migration route in the 18th century. They were attracted to the fertile land and abundant natural resources in the valley, which supported agriculture and offered opportunities for new settlements.

Who began a Colony for Quakers?

One person was William Penn in Pennsylvania but others supported him and yet others settled in other colonies in countries other than those in North America.

What is the past particle of settled?

The past participle of "settled" is also "settled."

What made Dredd Scott keep wanting to fight for his freedom?

Dredd Scott and the anti abolitionists who supported him believed they had a good case. It was settled for that period of time by the US Supreme Court. Nevertheless, slavery was wrong and abolished.

What is inter company owings in reconstrction?

Intercompany owings in reconstruction refer to amounts owed between companies within the same group or organization that need to be settled or reconciled during a reconstruction process. These amounts can impact the financial statements and balance sheets of the companies involved, so it is important to properly account for them to ensure accurate reporting.