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The Angles, a tribe from what is now Denmark, and the Saxons, from a nearby area in what is now Germany, and the Jutes, from Jutland, invaded what is now England in the 5th Century and displaced the vestiges of governmant of Roman Britannia. All three groups spoke closely related Germanic dialects and a common language eventually developed among the various kingdoms they created. That language is now called Anglo-Saxon, and the term is also used to refer to the people who spoke that language and to distinguish them from their later conquerers, the Normans under William.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Anglo-Saxons were a race created in England during the first Millenium, following the departure of the Romans and the Norman Invasion.

During this time, which we call 'The Dark Ages', England was peopled by Celtic tribes and Romano-Britons, the descendants of inter-breeding between Romans and Celts. Over the Centuries, England was subject to repeated invasions by a number of different peoples from Europe- the Angles, the Jutes, the Vikings from Scandinavia, the Danes, and the Germans from Saxony. Initially they came in warrior squadrons, to pillage, steal and desecrate early Christian establishments, slaughtering the natives or engaging them in fierce pitched battles. Later on they began to come in peace, to trade, to be converted to Christianity, or to make strategic alliances against common adversaries such as the Welsh, Scots, Irish or French. In time they befriended the English populace, settling in abundance and inter-marrying on a large scale. Thus by around the 7th Century, the Anglo-Saxon people had come into being, descended from the medley of incomers that England had seen over the preceeding Centuries.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

(apex)strengthen community bonds through affirmation of shared cultural values.

commemorate victories in battle.

Anglo saxon is often used to describe the invaders in the south and east of Great Britain from the early 5th century AD, and their hand in creating the English nation. The historian and monk, Bede, identified them as the descendants of three Germanic tribes.

  • The Angles- who Bede wrote that their whole nation came to Britain, leaving their former land, called "Angeln" and located in southern Denmark, empty. The name 'England' originates from this tribe.
  • The Saxons- from Saxony (Germany)
  • The Jutes-from the Jutland peninsula

In contemporary terms, Anglo-Saxon can be used to mean people predominantly descended from England.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There were two main tribes of ancient people in Great Britain (England) at one time in the distant past. One was called the angles and one was the Saxons. ( there were also the Jutes) Later they merged into one and got called the Anglo-Saxons. They were of the white race.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

England was at one time inhabited by a tribe called the Angles, and then England was invaded by a Germanic tribe called the Saxons, and as these two ethnic groups gradually merged, they became the Anglo-Saxons.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Anglican means "of England." The Anglican church is the state church of England.

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