All bees have stingers. They use it to protect themselves when they feel threatened but unfortunately they die after they sting someone. That is why you should just ignore a bee when it comes near you. Hope i helped
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no, because all of the workers are female. If you get stung by a bee, it was for certain a female. Male bees DO NOT have stingers.
In the story of Pilandok, a young prince that is tricked into believing that a beehive is a special gong. The prince hits the "special gong" and is stung by bees and then saved by soldiers and servants.
women helped to enforce the boycotts of british goods. they did things like holding public spinning bees to produce homespun threads, etc. basically they just helped enforce boycotts.
it's either john adams, james madison, james monroe, rutherford b. hayes, or warren g. harding.
Southwest Asia "Between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago, current theory goes, people in at least seven places, including Mexico, the Near East and South America, independently domesticated crops and creatures." Source: Brown, Kathryn. Science. New Trips Through the Back Alleys of Agriculture. VOL 292. 27 April 2001.