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The dispute over the northern boundary of the U.S. claim to the Oregon Territory was was settled in the Treaty of Oregon of 1846, during the presidency of James K. Polk. The treaty established the boundary between British Canada and the U.S. at 49-degrees latitude. -- Contributed by Ray Kovach, Chicago, IL

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The United States and Britain settled their dispute over Oregon with the Oregon Treaty. The treaty was signed in June of 1846.

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The US and the UK set the border at Oregon on the 49th parallel.

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i dont konw

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How did the US and Britain settle their dispute over Oregon?

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The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between the US and what?

Great Britain

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between?

The dispute over where the Oregon boundary was located was between the United States and Great Britain. They were in disagreement on where the boarder between Oregon and Canada should be drawn.

Who was the dispute over the Oregon boundary between?

Between Great Britain and the USA

How did president Polk finally settle the dispute over the Oregon territory?

by creating the boundary of Oregon at the 49th parallel and dividing the territory

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between who?

It was between Great Britain and of course the United States.

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The US and Great Britain settled their dispute over the western territory by signing the Oregon Treaty in 1846. This treaty sealed the deal on a compromise on the boundaries between British and American land.

How did president James Plok resolve the dispute between the US and great Britain over Oregon country?

weel am on his side whatever he said

How did the president James Polk deal with the dispute between the US and great Britain over Oregon country?

Polk's Secretary of State, James Buchanan negotiated a treaty with Great Britain that provided a peaceful solution to the Oregon boundary dispute. They settled for less than the 54th parallel boundary Polk had campaigned for .

In 1846 the dispute the over Oregon territory was settled when?

when the Oregon treaty was signed.

What was James K. Polk's main issue in his campaign?

"54-40 or fight" - Where 54-40 related to the area of land we know as Oregon today. This land was in dispute with Great Britain during this time. Another slogan used by Polk was "Reannexation of Texas and reoccupation of Oregon."

What was the boundary over Oregon Territory was settled in 1846?


The boundary what over the Oregon territory was settled in 1846?
