The Great Compromise settled a dispute over how many representatives each state would have.
The Missouri Compromise temporarily solved a dispute over slavery by keeping the number of slave and free states equal. It was later replaced by the Compromise of 1850.
The compromise of 1850 was meant to end a conflict between slave states of the South and free states of the North in America. This dispute was over the status of territories that were gained during the Mexican-American war.
If there are disputes over authority between local, state, or the national government, how are the disputes resolved?
The Missouri Compromise temporarily settled the debate over slavery by allowing Missouri enter the Union as a slave state. Maine was allowed to enter the Union as a free state.
The dispute over the northern boundary of the U.S. claim to the Oregon Territory was was settled in the Treaty of Oregon of 1846, during the presidency of James K. Polk. The treaty established the boundary between British Canada and the U.S. at 49-degrees latitude. -- Contributed by Ray Kovach, Chicago, IL
The Great Compromise settled a dispute over how many representatives each state would have.
The Great Compromise settled a dispute over how many representatives each state would have.
Representation in Congress
dumb stuff
The Missouri Compromise temporarily solved a dispute over slavery by keeping the number of slave and free states equal. It was later replaced by the Compromise of 1850.
Establishing the reserved powers
The compromise of 1850 was meant to end a conflict between slave states of the South and free states of the North in America. This dispute was over the status of territories that were gained during the Mexican-American war.
Missouri Compromise
The US and Great Britain settled their dispute over the western territory by signing the Oregon Treaty in 1846. This treaty sealed the deal on a compromise on the boundaries between British and American land.
The Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise) settled the debate over state representation in Congress.
If there are disputes over authority between local, state, or the national government, how are the disputes resolved?
somebody making judgment: somebody who can settle a dispute or decide an issueinfluential person: somebody with great influence over what people say, think, or do