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Skyscrapers are designed by different people from different companies all over the world. For example, Taipei 101 in Taiwan is designed by C.Y. Lee and partners.

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16y ago
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15y ago

The first skyscraper was built in Chicago, Illinois. It was called The Home Insurance Building and was 138 feet (42 meters) tall.

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16y ago

The first skyscraper was built in Chicago. It was called the Home Insurance Building. It was completed in 1885,and was demolished in 1931. It was 10 stories high and it was 138 feet tall

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14y ago

The Home Insurance Building in Chicago. Built from 1884-1885.

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10y ago

The world's first skyscraper was built in Chicago and was completed in 1885. It was the building for Home Insurance.

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13y ago

people say it was in chicargo but ther have been many biuldings taller biult previusly eg Lincoln cachedral, United Kingdom from 1311 to 1549 160m (525ft)

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When were skyscrapers created?

The first skyscraper was The Home Insurance building built in 1885 in Chicago.

Which sentence is written using past perfect tense The architect will build two skyscrapers before he builds the museum. The architect had built two skyscrapers before he built the museum. The archite?

The architect had built two skyscrapers before he built the museum.

What 2 technological innovation enabled the first skyscrapers to be built?

Two technological innovation which enabled the first skyscrapers to be built were the development of the elevator by inventor Elisha Otis and the design of steel structural supports for tall buildings by architect William Le Baron Jenney.

Where are most skyscrapers most frequently built and why?

Most skyscrapers are built in large cities that are still attracting population growth but that have run out of area to continue growing horizontally.

Which is known as the city of skyscrapers?

Chicago is the city where skyscrapers were first built. The Sears Tower (now Willis) is still one of the tallest buildings in the world.New York has several really tall skyscrapers.Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is now the world's tallest building.

Which came first elevators or skyscrapers?

The answer must include that before skyscrapers, men built what at the time were considered "very tall" buildings between 4 and 10 floors high. They put elevators into these smaller "very tall" buildings. When skyscrapers came later, the concept of elevators simply went along with the concept of extremely tall buildings that tried to reach the sky. So, technically, elevators came before skyscrapers, in numerous small and large towns with what was then "very tall" buildings that were only a fraction of the size of skyscrapers.

How many skyscrapers are there?

There are approximately 13,000 skyscrapers in the world as of 2021. The tallest skyscraper is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, standing at 828 meters (2,717 feet) tall.

Where can you find out about the status of the 67-story building that is proposed for 765 First Ave New York City?

There are several good websites on skyscrapers and proposed skyscrapers. I don't know the names off hand but if you type "proposed skyscrapers or future skyscrapers" and or just "skyscrapers" in google or yahoo's search engine, you should be able to find what you're looking for. I've seen plenty of info on some of the bigger skyscraper websites with info on buildings not yet built or even under construction. If that doesn't work try " future or proposed NYC skyscrapers".

What finally enabled sturdy skyscrapers to be built during the Industrial Revolution?

strong steel

What are the men called Who built skyscrapers?

Roughnecks according to "America the Story of Us: Cities"

What skyscrapers were being built in New York between 1920 and 1924?

The Tribune Tower was a skyscraper that was built in New York in 1923.

How do skyscrapers help the community?

what effect did the building of the skyscrapers have on cities