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This is a Democracy. It is what form of government that used in the United States of America. It's a style of government that is characterized by direct involvement of the people.

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Q: In which type of government are citizens expected to participate in decision making?
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What makes a republic different from a democracy-?

Citizens are expected to participate more actively in a democracy. in a republic, citizens do not participate as directly.

Which form of government would have the MOST amount of citizen participation?

Democracy is the type of government where citizens are expected to participate in decision making.

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Citizens were expected to participate in government and defend the polis. Polis did not do so because they were denied the chance to do so.

Which statement best summarizes the role citizens play in a democracy?

C. Citizens are expected to actively participate in the political process. (Apex)

Which statement summarizes the role citizens play in a democracy?

Citizens are the souce of political sovereignty - Apex :)

What are citizens expected to do in a constitutional government?

-Obey the laws of government -Vote

What is a example of an obligation citizens are expected to exercise?

Citizens are expected to pay their taxes. Taxes are an obligatory responsibly because we have to pay for government and infrastructure.

How are citizens expected to support their government?

Citizens can effectively support their government by doing such things as voting, serving in the military, or paying taxes.

Citizens are expected to support their government through?

Citizens, both by nature of being born and naturalized, are entitled to freedom given by the government. In exchange for freedom, citizens are expected to support their government through exercising right to vote, paying taxes, and, if eligible, submit themsleves in military service.

What responsibilities does North Korean citizens have?

North Korean citizens are expected to demonstrate loyalty to the regime, follow government directives without question, participate in public demonstrations, and adhere to strict social norms and cultural practices. They also have responsibilities such as mandatory military service, labor mobilization, and engaging in government propaganda activities.

What was expected of citizens of ancient Greece?

they were expecting changes from alexander the great, in the government.

What is the role of a government as a producer?

As a producer, the role of the government is to build the basic infrastructure such as roads, school, and hospitals and provide security to its citizens. The government is also expected to create job opportunities to its citizens.