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I would think the most popular colour for nail varnish is pink. Before, any other nail colour was banned. If a girl wore red nail varnish (This is before) people would consider her cheeky.

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Q: Most popular color nail varnish
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Continue Learning about Ancient History

Is pharaoh's nails still growing?

do firon nail still grow

How and where did Jason and Medea kill talos?

When the Argo sailed to Crete, Talos threw boulders at the ship, keeping it at bay. Talos had a blood vessel which extended from his neck to his ankle, kept closed by a bronze nail. Medea cast a spell on Talos to calm him, then removed the nail so that he bled to death, allowing the Argo to continue its journey.

Did ancient egyptians use nails or screws?

Scientifically it was nails ! They melt it down with fire and used the axes to form it !!! Unscientifically screws because they are rather new to us and i couln't imagine cavemen or ancient man wanting to put circles around screws. they were proabably happy with just a regular nail. (You know what I mean)

Where does the term Achilles' heel come from?

Achilles comes from the town of "ep-shared" (pronounced- (ep- share-ed) from which his mother was forced away from the home for the villagers were trying to kill Achilles because of his beauty. ( hope u like the info)

Where does the surname Ferret originate?

The Ferret Surname According to "Sorry, we couldn't find a name meaning for the Ferret last name. Try using an alternate form of the name, or a different last name." See links for alternate surnames (I'm translating from French) This name is often found in the Loire Valley, the Vendée and in the Tarn. It is a nickname related to the word 'fer' (iron) which could be interpreted in several ways: either for someone who made objects from iron (arms or 'ferrets' which were in the Middle Ages a kind of decorative nail) or someone who was hard (character) as iron or who had grey hair (the colour of iron). I must add that Cap Ferret is a place name on the French Atlantic coast. Other forms of this name are Feré, Feray, Ferey, Fert

Related questions

Where is nail polish used most?

NAil varnish is used mostly on nails.

Is nail varnish a solvent or solution?

Nail varnish is a solution. It consists of a solvent (typically ethyl acetate or butyl acetate) and dissolved solutes (such as pigments, film formers, and plasticizers) that give it its color, texture, and durability.

Is the ester in nail varnish remover a solution?

The ester in a nail varnish is a good solvent that is used in nail polish removers because it dissolves the nail varnish and does not affect the nail.

Why does nail varnish remover remove nail varnish and water wont?

The reason Nail Varnish removcer removes all nail varnish is because it contains certain chemical that help it get rid of the nail enamel. While water actually helps the nail varnish dry quicker if poured on wet nails.

Can you put crackle nail varnish on with any other nail varnish?

Yes you can:)

How do you get gel nail varnish of?

Use sunflower oil or nail varnish remover. Personally I would recommend nail varnish remover. WARNING! Always take old nail varnish off before putting new on.

What is the most popular OPI Nail color?

You Don't Know Jacques!

What damage can nail varnish and nail varnish remover do?

It makes u dizzyyy lolololololol

Can your nails get black if you put on too much nail polish?

depending on the defects it shows on the back if the don't it also depends on the color it is and if its a dark put powerfull nail polish it may

How do you give yourself a manicure?

First of all you will need clear nail varnish and white nail varnish . You apply the clear varnish first then wait for 3-4 minutes for it to dry then get the white nail varnish and apply it to the tip of the nail only . Wait for it to dry , this is very important as the nail varnish will smudge if you do not wait for it to dry. Then finally apply another coat of clear nail varnish for a glossy and smooth look . Hope this helped x

When was nail varnish invented?

Nail varnish was invented in the year 0, when cocks were cumming all over the world.

Did the Victorians wear nail varnish?

Not like the nail varnish (actually, nail LACQUER but more on that in a second) we use now, because it hadn't been invented yet. Preparations to change the color of your nails have been in use for thousands of years, but they were all these weird powders and oils.