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C) declare war

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Q: Under the constitution congress has the sole power to?
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Under the Constitution Congress has the sole power to declare a war True Or False?

The president may propose it, but it must be approved by congress before it's a formal declaration of war.

The power to manufacture money and declare war is given to?

The declaration of war is the sole power and authority to Congress. That said, the American President retains broad authority to conduct military operations and maneuvers for a certain period before requiring Congressional consent via the War Powers Act of 1973.

Which branch of the US government has the power of Impeachment?

The House of RepresentativesUnder Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach (bring charges against) federal officials.The impeachment process is similar to a grand jury indictment in a criminal trial, in that the House doesn't vote on guilt or innocence, but on whether there is a legitimate reason to try an official on specific charges (called Articles of Impeachment). If a simple majority of the House votes for impeachment, the official proceeds to trial in the Senate.The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach federal officials. The House of Representatives has this power under Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Which branch of government has the task of adding flesh to the bones of the constitution?

The sovereignty of the people, as manifested and represented by both the Congress and State legislatures, have the sole power and authority to amend the Constitution of the United States. The process requires many steps which culminate in a Constitutional Convention.

True or false The senate brings impeachment charges and the house acts as the court?

Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments.

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What under the constitution has the sole power to declare war?


Under the Constitution Congress has the sole power to declare a war True Or False?

The president may propose it, but it must be approved by congress before it's a formal declaration of war.

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What is the power of congress to declare war?

The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to declare war.

What sole power is given to congress?

power to declare war

Who has the sole power to try all impeachments?

TheSenate has the sole power to try all Impeachments. The House of Representatives has the sole power of Impeachment. This is according to the US. Constitution in Article 1

The power to manufacture money and declare war is given to?

The declaration of war is the sole power and authority to Congress. That said, the American President retains broad authority to conduct military operations and maneuvers for a certain period before requiring Congressional consent via the War Powers Act of 1973.

Who has the sole power of introducing appropriations bills in congress?

Spending bills must originate in the U.S. House of Representatives; however, as with any bill, they may only become law when enacted in an identical form and substance by the U.S. Senate, as set forth in the bicameralism provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

Who vhas the power to declare war?

Congress has the power to declare war. The president of the United States is the commander of the military but cannot declare war without Congress.

The Constitution grants the executive branch the sole power to negotiate treaties?


Identify and explain two formal powers congress has over war making?

Congress has the sole power of declaring war. The power was given by the Constitution. In 1973, Congress delegated some war powers to the President.

All legislative power granted in the US Constitution may legally be used only by?

The power to create laws, that is legislate is the sole power of Congress as enumerated by the United States Constitution. Congress has further enumerated powers to check and balance the executive and judicial branches of government.