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Q: What Canadian city is farther east Edmonton Winnipeg Vancover?
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Which Canadian city is farther east- Edmonton Winnipeg or Vancouver?


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Winnipeg, Manitoba

Is Edmonton or London farther north?

London, England, has a latitude of 51°30′N, and Edmonton, Alberta, has a latitude of 53°32′N. Thus, Edmonton is further north than London, by about 226 kilometres.

Which state is farther north Maryland or Montana?

Montana is on the Canadian border and is much farther north than Maryland.

What has the biggest impact on the weather of Edmonton?

There are many but if I had to pick I would say the mountains. They stop the west moving systems from the Pacific from reaching Edmonton and when they do reach Edmonton they have much less moisture. They also block the warm systems and help cause systems from the north to have a more direct shot at Edmonton. This is why Edmonton is cooler than Calgary. That and Edmonton is farther north. Mountains and then the Jet Stream but the Jet Stream is the easy answer for all areas and mountains combined with our proximity to the Arctic has the biggest impact.

Why does the Canadian population reside along the border of the US?

Moving farther north, Canada becomes very cold.

How might geography and climate affect the way people live in the Canadian territory in Nunavut?

It will be colder because it's farther away from the Equater

Which city is closer to the Canadian border-- seattle or Sacramento?

Seattle is closer to the Canadian border than Sacramento. Seattle is located in the state of Washington, which shares a border with Canada, while Sacramento is in California, much farther south.

What is north of Connecticut?

Immediately to the north of Connecticut is the state of Massachusetts, and farther north are the US states of New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont, and the Canadian Province of Quebec.

The main pockets or islands of population in Canada?

As a rule, most Canadian population is within 500 miles of the 49th Parallel, the border between Canada and the USA. This is usually due to traditionally more fertile lands and somewhat longer growing seasons. However there are major metropolitan cities farther north, including Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. Prince George, BC and Sudbury, Ontario. These cities are usually resource based in economy.

Is Maine north of a Canadian province?

Maine is north of portions of two Canadian provinces. Portions of Ontario extend as far south as Michigan and the northern tip of Pennsylvania. The northern portion of Maine is also farther north than Montreal in Quebec.

Is Paris the same latitude as Ottawa Ontario?

Paris (nearly 49° N latitude) is actually more northerly than Ottawa (45.4° N), which is one of the southernmost Canadian cities, along with Montreal and Toronto. Paris is about the same latitude as northern Newfoundland, and nearly as far north as Winnipeg. The Gulf Stream current is the major reason that Europe has a more temperate climate than Canadian regions at the same latitudes.