

As railroads grew

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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people began to travel farther from their homes

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Name four industries that grew due to the expanding railroads?

Mining, textiles, agriculture and timber industries grew due to the expanding railroads

Which western industry grew most rapidly after railroads were built into the West?

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What industry grew as a direct result of the reduced price of steel?

The railroad industry grew because the reduced price of steel made it cheaper to build railroads.

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What were some effects of rapid growth of railroads?

Some effects of rapid growth of railroads were increased trade and faster military transportation. In addition, the banks ran out of loans cause of how rapidly they grew and left the farmers poor.

What were the effects of imperialism in Madagascar?

railroads were built, roads were improved, new crops were cultivated such as: coffee and tobbacco, along with what they already grew: rice and cassava.

How did the discovery of gold and silver in the west lead to a rail road?

No the discovery of gold didn't happen until 1849 in California and railroads were all ready in place by 1840. The first railroads were in 1812 and grew from there. By the time of the civil war the entire country could be crossed by rail, but the discovery of gold and silver is not related to the growth of the railroads.

What As railroads grew?

People began to travel farther from their homes. Goods and services were able to travel as well, making new things available to people for the first time.

What was one the uses of high quality iron?

When Bessemer developed his method of making steel the use of iron ore grew and so did making railroads, multistory buildings, and bridges.

How are cograilroads different from other railroads?

cog railroads are yellow trains railroads are black

What do railroads mainly carry?

Railroads mainly carry trains. Railroads mainly carry trains.