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The Pharaoh wore a Crook and a Flail which were his symbols of power.

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7y ago
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13y ago

i think those symbols ur talking about is the hieroglyphics which was a writing/language in ancient Egypt

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12y ago

*#^<> they used these symbols all of the time with there sentences they used

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12y ago

Life story of the paroh and what happens after death of a humans(afterlife) according to egyptian myths. and then the parohs kily the cristens with santa claws magik. Poor, porr parohs.

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14y ago

meiu c the lotus fl;ower was 10000

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Q: What symbols of power did pharaohs have in Ancient Egypt?
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Why did egyptians built pyramids for their kings?

The pyramids of ancient Egypt were built by the Egyptian population as a memorial to their pharaohs. The pharaohs demanded that the pyramids be built in order to honor themselves. The pyramids were linked to power &amp; the regions of ancient Egypt.

Why were the Egyptian pharaohs usually powerful rulers?

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were considered to gods and afforded absolute power. As a result, they used that power absolutely.

Why was the beard famous in ancient Egypt?

Actually, most men in ancient Egypt were relatively clean-shaven and did not grow beards, mainly for sanitary reasons(lice). Pharaohs, however, wore false beards as symbols of power. A curved beard (eg. Tutankhamun's death mask), is a symbol of immortality or of being a god.

What were the symbols of power for the pharaohs?

beard and kobra

What role did the pharaohs play?

The Pharaohs were the rulers of ancient Egypt. Pharaohs held the most power and were both the political and religious leaders of their time.

How was propaganda used in Ancient Egypt?

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt propagandized wars by making people believe they were living gods on Earth. Amazing feats of architecture, such as the pyramids, were built to showcase their power and importance.

Who were people of wealth and power in ancient Egypt?

What I think you're asking is WAS there rich people in ancient Egypt. Yes, people in Egypt were rich, that's why they had all the gold with them when they died because they wanted to keep there riches with them.

Did the monarchs have absolute or unlimited power in Egypt?

They did early in ancient Egypt's history. The pharaoh was the high priest of every divine cult. That power and authority eroded over the centuries, and the priesthoods of the gods took more and more power from the pharaohs.

Whatpowers did the pharaohs have?

The Pharaohs of Egypt had many powers such as political, military, religious, and economic power.

Why were the pharohs so important in ancient Egypt?

The pharaohs were so important in Egypt cuz they counted towards the gods of ancient Egypt so they respected the pharohs and gave them everything cuz they were afraid that the gods would punish them if they don't.

What powers do the Pharaohs have to govern Egypt?

they have the power in their blood and they have the power to say their ancestors are gods.

What did pharaohs do as king?

The pharaohs had to keep complete control of Egypt as king. They kept the irrigation works together, directed the army around, kept peace between everyone, and made the laws. On one hand, the power of the pharaohs made achievements possible. This benefited many of the people. The pharaoh was called a living god to everyone in Ancient Egypt.