Actually, most men in ancient Egypt were relatively clean-shaven and did not grow beards, mainly for sanitary reasons(lice).
Pharaohs, however, wore false beards as symbols of power.
A curved beard (eg. Tutankhamun's death mask), is a symbol of immortality or of being a god.
In my opinion Alexander of Macedon was most remembered in Egypt for founding the city of Alexandria; the cultural center of the ancient world, and the first ancient library.
The double crown of ancient Egypt was called the the Pschent.
A Pharaoh (Fair- Row)
King Tutankhamun a.k.a King Tut.
Craft-workers were important in ancient Egypt because they made weapons and tools.
The Pyramids
george bush
yes they did it was grapes because it was very common in Egypt.
They wore a nemis, headress, and a fake beard.
There are so many people who are famous in Egypt. In ancient Egypt some of the popular people were Pharaoh, Cleopatra, Hannu, Paser and many more.
cleopatrashe was the most famous queen in Egypt and died of a snake bite!!
Socrates,Plato and aristotle
he was a famous medical surgeon that worked in schools in ancient Egypt
One was the discovery of Tutenkhamen.