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where the power of a government is located

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The terms confederate, unitary and federal all refer to government, where and how it is run. Unitary is where one government has absolute power, for example France. Federal is where the power is shared between governments, for example USA. Confederate is where the majority of power is given to local government, for example the European Union.

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Which of the following items is a defining characteristic of a nation-state?

A. It has a flag B. It has a group of people (the population) C. Its population all share the same culture (habits and behaviors) D. Its population all speak the same language
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Is Russia federal or unitary?

It's Unitary. Plain and simple. This is most easily seen in the Russian State Duma. Russia is actually considered a Federal Republic with numerous subdivisions and autonomous regions. However, in terms of actual administration, Russia seems much closer to a Unitary State.

Which of these terms relates to the executive judicial and legislative branches of the Federal Government?

seperation of powers

The federal government's process of taxing imported international goods is referred to as which of these terms?


What is the difference between a unitary system a confederal system and a federal system?

The distinction between the three systems is where ultimate sovereignty resides. In a Unitary government, all sovereignty resides at the national level - thus, the national government is superior to, and controls all regional and local governments. In such a system, governments report in what looks like a military chain-of-command: local governments report to and are legally subservient to regional governments, which report to and are subservient to the national government. A unitary government has all power concentrated at the national government, which may delegate some of that power elsewhere, but which retains the ultimate say in which entity has that power. In a Confederate government, the nation is made up of constituent states, each state having ultimate sovereignty. This form results in a national government which is more of an association - the central national government has no legal authority over its constituent state (regional) governments, other than the authority those states voluntarily give it (and can withdraw at any time). Confederations are really government-by-voluntary-consensus, with power being retained at the regional (state) level. At the state level in a confederation, most operate as a Unitary government themselves. Federal governments are a blend of the above two opposites. Most federal systems divide up various responsibilities (sovereignty) into categories, then decide that ONE of: the federal (national), the state (regional), or local (town/city) government should be the ultimate sovereign in that area. Generally speaking, this division is based upon the impact of the topic in question: for responsibilities which impact the nation as a whole, the federal government is usually assigned supreme power, while for activities that are regional or local in nature, the regional (or local) government is assigned sovereignty. In all cases, government levels (federal, state, and local) are ultimate responsible solely to their constituent citizens, and do NOT legally report to another government. Thus, under a federal system, a town mayor has no legal responsibility to follow instructions from a state governor or a national president. In terms of practical application, one obvious place that can be seen is the legal system in place: under a Unitary system, there is but one set of courts, and those courts have jurisdiction over all legal cases. In a Confederate system, there tend to be many court systems, with each region/state's court system applying only to cases within that region/state. In a federal system, there tend to be a myriad of court systems, each having different responsibilities based on the type of infraction or case, with different infractions being judged by different courts, and with multiple court systems having possible jurisdiction over a single geographic area.

What were the three parts of government laid out in the US Constitution?

Legislative: both houses of Congress. Sentate (6 year terms) and House of Representatives (2 year terms) Judicial: courts, in the case, the Federal Courts. States have their own judicial systems. Federal courts deal with cases about Federal Law. Executive: President and Vice President

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What terms confederated unitary and federal all refer to?

where the power of a government is located

Is Russia federal or unitary?

It's Unitary. Plain and simple. This is most easily seen in the Russian State Duma. Russia is actually considered a Federal Republic with numerous subdivisions and autonomous regions. However, in terms of actual administration, Russia seems much closer to a Unitary State.

Can the terms federal national or central be used to refer to the United States government in Washington dc?

Yes they can

What does css stand for in the confederate navy?

It stands for Confederate States Ship. The Federal navy used USS for United States Ship. Other countries have similar terms used to identify their military vessels.

Is there a federal law regarding terms and conditions?

There are both federal and state laws in which this phrase appears. They generally refer to some kind of contractural agreement made or negotiated between parties.

What are the different types of terms that people use?

Terms of use refer to agreements for usage of products. Medical terms refer to common Latin based definitions of conditions. Terms in school can refer to quarters, semesters or years.

What are the terms for political offices?

depends on the office,local,state or federal and federal has two different terms

What terms are most often used in the titles of federal agencies?

There are a few terms that are used most often in the titles of federal agencies. Some of these terms are official, federal, state, government, national, and American.

How does a unitary rate differ from any other ratio?

A unitary rate is a ratio where the denominator is 1. It represents the quantity of one unit in terms of another unit. Other ratios can have any value in the denominator and may not necessarily represent a quantity of one unit.

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Which is an example of how Hamilton's idea were expressed in the constitution?

An example of how Hamilton's ideas were expressed in the Constitution is that federal judges were given lifetime terms.Federal judges were given lifetime terms.